2009-04-11, 22:08
Forum Daemon
Forum Leader
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 3,745
Originally Posted by JAMF
...that this thread will be deleted before I get to read it?
I don't/ IT's very cool that I'm writing it. Like a cool cat with whiskers and et cetera.
So how you all doing? I used to wear a thong for you all but no II dont so nobody remembers me do you?
I'll slepp at 11 o'clock til propably 12 pm tommorow and come and read your comments that slip in betewwen the time it takes for it to be posted and before a mod comes to close / de;ltet it.
It's been about two months so there you go!
Hahaha you're gonna regret this in the morning chief! Delete it before everyone sees it!
Hellraiser is fuckin' great, by the way. The blu-ray is due out next month!! Weeeeeeeeee!