2006-03-11, 01:56
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 1
Creating Software
Hey everyone,
I was wondering if anyone could help me out with tips or anything like that on this... I wanna create some software kind of similar to power tab or guitar pro but not, lol. like... what i wanna do is make REAL guitar recordings and have them placed on a 6-piece trackboard kind of like a fretboard, and they would be real guitar wave files, very very small files though because i would time it on one second and split that into 1/2 then that into 1/4 and into 1/8 and so on, you know? i think it would work i just need to frustrate myself with this software creation crap, it would be funny though if this actually happened i want to call it "Music Maid"... lol. so i'm just wondering if there is a way to make a program quite similar to one of the Midi guitar tab things but switch the Midi with Wave and have the Wave files be real.
Tell me what you all think.