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Old 2006-02-14, 23:50
ihave27frets's Avatar
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I gut this mailed to me today. I guess people think its a ghost or an "orb". I dont know what it is, I was sitting at that table when it was filmed and there was nothing swinging around or anything so... see what you think of it.
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Old 2006-02-15, 00:15
Bia's Avatar
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That's pretty lame for an attempt at something.

Reflections are hardly "ghosts"

Old 2006-02-15, 00:33
Dyldo's Avatar
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Fucking weird - as this is loading I happen to coincidentally be watching Pen and Teller: Bullshit! on ghosts.

Anyway, whoever actually believes that this SPEC OF LIGHT is evidence for life after death is a dotard, woodcock beef-witted lord, and is the ringworm of humanity. Its blasphemy towards science. Claiming that it isn't "a lens flare" dosen't make it not one. But even if it's not, it could have been light refracting off someone's watch in the backround, a speck of something going across the lens cam, or some kind of glitch in the film - the possibilities are endless.
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Old 2006-02-15, 00:56
low-tech's Avatar
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it look like some lobbed a whiffle ball behind the cameraman
Old 2006-02-15, 01:21
timedragon's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Darko
Fucking weird - as this is loading I happen to coincidentally be watching Pen and Teller: Bullshit! on ghosts.

a nice coincidence. Bullshit rules! have you seen the one on alien abductions? that guy at the convention who is "taking notes" or whatever... and then we see him at the next convention in a disguise of glasses and a black mustache!!!!!!! haha, that was fucking hilarious, see it if you havnt.
Old 2006-02-15, 01:40
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Yeah, thats a good one.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery
Old 2006-02-15, 03:48
PST 88's Avatar
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It looks like how light gets reflected off of a moving glass surface. Since I see extremely well-lit windows in the reflection, the light coming in through them being the light from which the spec of light appears and then disappears, I would have to say that I now absolutely believe in ghosts, but only ones that haunt places in which metal bands make music videos. Thanks for sharing this video, it ruined all my skeptical objections.

Seriously, whatever you're inclined to believe before having seen this will be reinforced by seeing it. It doesn't show anything but a moving flash of light in a world in which moving flashes of light are pretty goddamn common, but if the fact that we can't see the cause of it snags your attention you might be inclined to believe that something we wouldn't have been able to see, regardless of angle, would have caused it. He's right that it's not a lens flare, but it could be damn well anything else. I tend to think the burden of proof is on the one presenting the difficult to believe theory, so I'm not inclined to believe that we just saw a ghost. As a matter of fact, I'm inclined to believe that we just saw a dumb director, or cameraman, or whatever he was.
Old 2006-02-15, 03:49
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"This video changed my mind."

Oh for fuck's sake...
My bands page ^

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Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
yeah, one night he (BassBehemoth) came with some GHB and he put it in my drink, when i woke up....i lost my hymen....terrible

Old 2006-02-15, 05:04
metal_monkey's Avatar
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lol looked like some1 threw 1 of thoses super bouncy balls
Originall Posted By problematic
Im a quadraplegic.

Youve made me cry

Originally Posted by problematic
Metal Monkey: retarded comments galore.

RIP this guy
Old 2006-02-15, 05:49
Bia's Avatar
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One day...PBS Nova or possibly CBS 60 Minutes will actually have a sit down Q&A with a ghost.....until then....Bah!

Old 2006-02-15, 18:18
Robbie Filth's Avatar
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That is crap there could be a number of explanations for a circle appearing.
Originally Posted by ImBored
I feel a bit arabic spending 30 minutes in the toilet.
Old 2006-02-15, 19:42
newHELLonEARTH's Avatar
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Wow that's stupid. The way it was moving looks like someone threw something.
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Bottle of Vodka, $25

Fucking on the couch while posting on Metaltabs and getting caught by your mother....

Old 2006-02-15, 20:25
metal_monkey's Avatar
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Originally Posted by newHELLonEARTH
Wow that's stupid. The way it was moving looks like someone threw something.

thats what i said so it must be a super rubber bouncy ball
Originall Posted By problematic
Im a quadraplegic.

Youve made me cry

Originally Posted by problematic
Metal Monkey: retarded comments galore.

RIP this guy
Old 2006-02-15, 20:28
OpethFan's Avatar
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looks like someone swung a ball on a string
My bands page ^

Think my attitude stinks?? You should smell my fingers.

Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
yeah, one night he (BassBehemoth) came with some GHB and he put it in my drink, when i woke up....i lost my hymen....terrible

Old 2006-02-15, 21:06
brainsforbreakfast's Avatar
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well, what gives me the impresion that it's caused by either the camera or faulty tape, did you notice this orb flashes by in a very straight line?

other than that, I do believe in ghosts or entities or whatnot
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.

I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!
Old 2006-02-15, 21:11
ihave27frets's Avatar
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I was sitting right there when it was filmed, nothing was thrown or anything. we were doing a fade out shot, no one was moving.
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Old 2006-02-15, 22:19
Bia's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ihave27frets
I was sitting right there when it was filmed, nothing was thrown or anything. we were doing a fade out shot, no one was moving.


I cant tell you how many times I have been sitting somewhere and see lights move across the wall...TV...PC Screen....floor...ceiling...etc etc etc

It's called reflections. There were windows....a huge mirror....sunlight. A car turning a corner 2 blocks away could have easily reflected light off its glass or chrome onto 60 diff surfaces in seconds. One of them being through the window....onto a mirror.....into a on our screens...into our brains.

All due respect but people mostly believe what they want to believe and often deny logic.

Old 2006-02-16, 00:05
estringrev's Avatar
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If that's a ghost then my life is a horror movie.
Old 2006-02-16, 03:56
rabbifoodslicer's Avatar
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it really doesnt even look like a looks like a piece of cardboard cut out and swung by the camera
Old 2006-02-16, 04:17
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Old 2006-02-16, 04:53
PST 88's Avatar
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Cardboard is opaque. The orb is translucent. You can see though to the piece of wall behind it. Let's believe for now that nothing was thrown and the people who made this music video aren't in on it. That orb of light, which appears from and disappears back into the light shining strongly through the windows reflected in the mirror, is perfectly consistent with the way light looks when reflected off of a glass surface from outside of that window. If we're going to go by the ol' 'complexity is not to be posited without necessity' rule of thumb, as I think we should, this is simpler than the following hypotheses:
a. Spirits from the afterlife or some other world exist and inhabit this one in the shape of orbs of light which only show up for a second or so of an unusable section of a tape.
b. Jesus, when he said 'I am the light and the Way,' really meant to say 'I am the fast-moving orb of light reflected in a mirror, and the Way.'
c. Somebody threw a wiffle-ball or a round piece of cardboard on a string that was both translucent and invisible to the human eye, unaided by the combination of camera lens and a normal, everyday mirror.
d. Swamp gas reflected off of a weather balloon, causing a fast-moving, orb-shaped spec of light to move through the camera frame at that time.
e. A Caltech scientist invented a machine which could stop time's flow at a given moment, drawing the attention of the Order of the Golden Dawn, who have spies at all high-level technical institutes. They gave word to the Knights Templar, who came in at night and adjusted the machine in such a way that the next person to touch it would cause time to stop everywhere in the world except the Guell Crypt, where the Knights would be at that very moment, uncovering the mystic items left at that site by John Dee under the instructions of Thomas Harriot, who similarly left directions for Antonio Gaudi and the Knights Templar so that these items, acquired by Harriot in a fusing of powers with holy Algonquins he visited in the New World, would be uncovered when a machine of such power as to stop time's flow had been invented. However, the Muslim, ancient enemy of the Knight Templar, found out about this plot and intervened just in time, causing time to begin again immediately after having been stopped the morning following the tampering by a janitor's having sex on a table which bumped into the machine in some substantive way. However, because time had stopped for about a second, all over the world orbs of light appeared for that same amount of time. Most went unnoticed.
f. The result of putting an entire metal band together in a room is the release of a lot of grim, evil energy, which manifests itself in fast-moving orbs of light.

Really, even if we don't take it as a given that the cameraman and 27frets here aren't fucking with us, there's nothing really to suggest that it's more probable that they're lying than that this is the result of some very common glare. Why two people were needed to say this I don't understand.

There. Bia even showed it. So I'm going to close this thread. If you want to keep talking about this, talk about it in the RTT.

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