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Old 2006-01-27, 14:04
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Now that Hamas won , What now

So whats next in the mid east , Im afraid its going to be all out palistinian Israeli war with all of us caught in the middle. No way they can co-exist
Any intelligent feedback............................
Old 2006-01-27, 15:18
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Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2006-01-27, 15:41
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Move Israel to Texas.
Old 2006-01-27, 15:53
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I don't know about you, but I don't actually live in between Israel and Palestine. Funny thing about this whole 'democrative or face the fuckin' fury' campaign in the Mid-East is that we no longer have the excuse of defending Israel as the only democracy in a despotic part of the world.

And they'd have no problem co-existing if the non-religious Israelis would vote in force. Plus, as I understand it, the alarm over Hamas is disproportionate with the problem. From what I've heard, anti-Israel rhetoric's been turned down in favor of promising to, y'know, govern well. So there's a decent chance you're worried over nothing.
Old 2006-01-27, 16:02
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You have a point there PST, however the 'Hamas-vote' can be considered an excuse for the Israeli's to retaliate even more agressive. The 'rock-throwing' palestine is still fighting the well armed Israeli. (thank you USA)

Those palestinian fuckers are not the only 'wrong' side in the whole, dragging, boring, conflict.. Sure they're a bunch of terrorist but that's their only resort, they don't have M1 Abrahams tanks driving around. It's their way of fighting the big satan, Israel, backed by the US. (the even bigger satan, duh.)

The whole Israeli state is in the wrong part of the world, I talked to a guy from Syria this week, they're basically in the lion's den over there. There's very few christians/jews in that part of the world. That Syrian dude joked about it; 'why not move Israel to Texas so it's easier for them to suck Bush's dick!'

Ahum, as you can see most people from those parts of the world are not too charmed by the involvement of western countries in the whole conflict. I see their point, too. However, it's not a one-sided conflict, there's so many aspects to cover. I don't see the whole Palestina state working any time soon. Especially not if those fucks keep voting for terrorist groups to lead them. Isreal is not going to let them go their own way and that's vice-versa. It's all just throwing more and more wood on the fire.
Old 2006-01-27, 16:12
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I think Israel's going to find its position increasingly untenable. It's already lost a lot of support, both abroad and among its own people (a lot of Israelis, those who aren't Orthodox Jews on a power trip, will tell you how willing they'd be to give everything up just to get out of this cycle, which is borne out by the amount of conquered land Israel has been willing to give back), and if the Palestinians ever learn non-violent protest it will be more or less effectively boned. Israeli agression is looking worse and worse, and eventually we'll have no excuse to support them, and they'll topple fairly quickly. If we include the possibility that our economy's on the way to a permanent decline, we won't be in a financial position that would allow us to continue to support Israel.

The point is, the state of Israel, which has been highly problematic since its birth and probably never should have been founded, is quickly moving towards having no leg to stand on. Unless it finds a way to negotiate with the Palestinians in a very real way, that is. Maybe this is an opportunity for Israel to wise up. Maybe not.
Old 2006-01-27, 16:50
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Originally Posted by PST 88
I think Israel's going to find its position increasingly untenable. It's already lost a lot of support, both abroad and among its own people (a lot of Israelis, those who aren't Orthodox Jews on a power trip, will tell you how willing they'd be to give everything up just to get out of this cycle, which is borne out by the amount of conquered land Israel has been willing to give back), and if the Palestinians ever learn non-violent protest it will be more or less effectively boned. Israeli agression is looking worse and worse, and eventually we'll have no excuse to support them, and they'll topple fairly quickly. If we include the possibility that our economy's on the way to a permanent decline, we won't be in a financial position that would allow us to continue to support Israel.

The point is, the state of Israel, which has been highly problematic since its birth and probably never should have been founded, is quickly moving towards having no leg to stand on. Unless it finds a way to negotiate with the Palestinians in a very real way, that is. Maybe this is an opportunity for Israel to wise up. Maybe not.

The way I see things shaping up , the Israeli Hawks led by Netanayu are going to come to power and do pre emptive strikes on Iran and the palistinians unless Hamas demonstrates real quick it wants to sit down and talk real peace. Otherwise Israel will attack first , because unlike the USA they dont care about world opinion , cause the world for the most part hates Israel and Jews in general .And Im convince we may posture opposition to Israeli policy but I bet the US gives Israel a wink when they want to do a operation in the Gaza or the west Bank.
Old 2006-01-27, 17:07
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Israel does care about world opinion. Without world opinion, Israel doesn't exist; it's founded on, and kept afloat by, the guilt and goodwill of the West. If Western countries had an actual anti-Israel consensus, it would lose the financial support that allows it to fund such an unusually effective military and be erased from the face of the planet.

That said, 'the way you see things shaping up' won't happen. Something stupid will probably happen, as it usually does, but the Middle East will not blow up and disappear because Israel decided to try the Butch and Sundance routine. Israel's too concerned with its own survival to cut its legs off at the hip.

Of course, the current government would support Israel, but eventually it becomes untenable to do so, and everyone will know when that happens. Even people who're completely full of shit have to tell the truth sometimes.
Old 2006-01-27, 17:45
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I respectfully disagree . Israel did not give a shit when it bombed Iraq in the 80s , Israel will always have US support because of nothing else the large and powerful Jewish Voting Bloc which generally votes democrat, thus even if Hilliary wins she has to be pro Israel at least on the surface , And remember most americans know it wasnt Israel who blow up our towers it was Islamics.
Maybe im wrong but Im not convinced Israel will wait for our Ok if it feels threatened .remember Israels motto is never again in reference to the Holocaust . So unless Hamas wants to talk peace we are in for a war sooner or later of epic proportions.
Old 2006-01-27, 17:46
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and as a followup ,please dont take me for pro Israeli ,Im just stating my opinion , And truthfully I do hope Im wrong.
Old 2006-01-27, 21:00
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Israel waiting for our OK is irrelevant. When we can't support them - because doing so has become either politically or financially untenable - we won't support them. When we no longer support them, what they do won't affect us. Simple. Even now, the kind of aid and support we give is greatly diminished from before; as our resources continue to be tunneled elsewhere, it will continue to decrease. Israel isn't the priority it once was, nor does it have the popularity it once had; we're less and less tied to it every day. So, again, we're not bound to get caught up in its wars.

The non-Jewish voting bloc of the Democrats has become increasingly pro-Palestine. Keeping in mind that Jews make up about 2% of the population, I think you're overestimating their power, at least as voters.

But Hamas seems like it's willing to talk peace; it has a chance to come out of this looking very good, much better than Israel, which will matter. The question is whether Israel is willing to talk peace seriously. If not, then Hamas will come out looking much better, which, again, will matter a great deal, as the more Israel loses face the less the West will continue to support it. We're not in a position to get caught up in an epic war over this, even less than we did any of the other times Israel started wars in the mid-East. Quit worrying. There are other things that will take us down before this will.

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