2005-11-13, 12:07
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Auburn, New York
Posts: 839
E-Bay Question
OK, I'm new to this whole sell your stuff on e-bay kind of thing. Well, here's my question: I am in the section "My E-bay" and under my stuff I am trying to sell, the prices I have listed are red. Is this a bad thing, it says at the bottom prices in red are currently not selling. WHat does this mean? Does it mean just that nobody has bidded yet, or does it mean that they CAN'T bid on it? Thanks
Currently selling:
Presonus Firepod - $425 shipped
Gator 4 Space Rack Case - $75 shipped
Rackmount Tuner - $75 shipped
Pacific Drum Works 5000 Double Bass Pedal - $175 shipped