2005-04-11, 21:56
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Fleet, England
Posts: 233
Randall vs. Mesa
I'm on the lookout for a new amp; my Marshall AVT275 has been good to me over the years but recently it's started to act up a bit (huge popping sound whenever I switch from OD2 to clean; if anyone can help out I'd greatly appreciate it). So I'm in the market for a new amp, and I'd like to go for a half stack. For the time being I'll be happy with just a head, cause I could jack it into the 2x12 cab that makes up the Marshall combo, and get the matching 4x12 when I can afford it
Now... I want a nice meaty metal amp that also has a good clean tone to it. I played a Mesa Dual Rectifier (may have been a triple, I can't remember) sometime last year and almost ejaculated with delight when I heard the distortion it produced. I've also just been on musiciansfriend.com and music123.com and looked at the Randall RM100 head, and the reviews on it seem pretty convincing; the modular design to it sounds like a stroke of genius
So here's where I need your opinions/testimonials. If I do decide that a new amp is on the cards, Mesa or Randall?

2005-04-12, 00:17
Alumni Staff
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apples and oranges man...
you could get the randall with a recto module... so you could get in the recto ballpark. but it still wont be a recto.
if versitility is in mind. the randall is the better choice because you can buy a ton of modules and swap them at will.
though the recto is a pretty good all around amp.
which is better is totally subjective.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-04-12, 02:50
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,968
Yeah, have you tried that Randall amp sim. thing where you stick like the mod. in and you can switch 'em around? I'm wondering how they sound.

2005-04-12, 07:37
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Fleet, England
Posts: 233
Cheers guys. I looked at the prices online last night from a localish music store and the price of th Recto is over double that of the Randall! So if it turns out that I do need a new amp, I know which one I'll be going for 

2005-04-12, 15:53
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Angelskingarden
Posts: 2,395
SoulInsane owns a Randall RM and could tell you all about it ( in fact, he does exactly that whenever he gets a chance  ).

2005-04-12, 16:19
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Maastricht, Netherlands
Posts: 1,506
soulinsane is suspended
and I think he's already going to buy the randall
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2005-04-12, 16:23
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Fleet, England
Posts: 233
Originally Posted by John Holland
SoulInsane owns a Randall RM and could tell you all about it ( in fact, he does exactly that whenever he gets a chance  ).
Hahaha, alrighty then, I'll search for all his posts containing 'Randall' and see what he thinks :P
Anyone know why he was suspended? I saw his activity in the Ran Guitars thread and was hoping for his opinon on the spec I posted

2005-04-13, 19:04
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Angelskingarden
Posts: 2,395
Originally Posted by ukfswmart
Hahaha, alrighty then, I'll search for all his posts containing 'Randall' and see what he thinks :P
Anyone know why he was suspended? I saw his activity in the Ran Guitars thread and was hoping for his opinon on the spec I posted
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