Hey. I think I can help you out.
Ok. In tunings, you have 6 of them, ranging from E to G. G being the lowest of course..
Drop tuning to D is the easiest way to tune down from.
I would invest in a sabine guitar tuner, or just a good one showing all the notes,:e,a,d,g,b,e,f,c...
For now, why don't you just stick to Regular D tuning...
Easy way for me to tune to D is just hit the open E and A strings, then drop the E (down a whole step) until you can play power chords..
like this(it be dropped D tuning first)
Then tune the A to G by hitting fret #7 on the A or hit the #2 on the A, till you can hear it playing like a regular power chord.
The best way to find a bands tuning(in my experience..)
Listen for open notes and palm muting.. If you hear something heavier than where your tuned, lower the string to that note.. Keep doing that over until it sounds right,etc.
Tuning ain't easy to get down at first, but you'll catch along soon.
Ok. Bands that are at Regular D tuning..:
Asphyx(All cds.)
Vital Remains(dechristianize, and I'm not too sure about the past ones)
Sinister(Creative Killings, Hate, Savage or Grace)
Deicide(insineratehymn, In Torment In Hell)
Napalm Death(I think all of them)
Cannibal Corpse(most releases, not too sure about newer material)
Dflat bands.
Suffocation, Internal Suffering..
Bands that I know that are tuned at C:
Accidental Suicide
Tuned at B:
At the Gates
Hypocrisy(most releases...e.g.:The Fourth Dimension, Abducted,The Final Chapter, Hypocrisy(99),Into the Abyss,The Arrival, ...
Withered Earth?(not for sure)...
Tuned at A:
Hypocrisy-Osculum Obscenum
Tuned at G#.(g sharp)
Mortician-(Most Material)
That's what I can tell you so far...
It really helps to have a guitar tuner!!..
But in any case, take your time to learn stuff....it comes about eventually..