2004-02-11, 19:07
New Blood
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 9
Gorgoroth's Offensive show in Poland
from Gorgoroth's Website,
"As you might have heard and read, Gorgoroth have played two gigs in Poland during the last weekend, and they made it BIG!
One gig was played in Warsaw and one in Krakow. The Krakow show, which was to be filmed for an upcoming DVD featured four crucified and naked models (two women + two men), spilled with sheep blood. The musicians did their show in front of that setting and to complete the manifestation they all were surrounded by dozens of sheep heads and litres of sheep blood on the stage. A few minutes after the musically inferno had started one of the female models fainted and had to be taken down from the cross. Apart from that the show passed as planned. But as soon as the gig was over, the police appeared and confiscated all the recordings from Krzemionki TV. The police are currently investigating for a possible prosecution."
Pictures and video clips can be downloaded from http://www.teppah.tk