2004-01-07, 00:10
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: PEI, Canada
Posts: 1,103
Looking for a cheap head...I think
ok i just got a 4x12 yahama head and am currently running it through my Peavey Specail 130 combo
im also using a digitech metal master
you see i was having this problem with the peavey, when i used my metal master at high volumes it sounded like shit,the hum took over way too much, i dont mind abit of hum but this was way too much, so i figured that if i got a 4x12 there would be no problem taking all that gain at a loud volume, well guess what,there was, yet again the hum took over, and the distortion just got way to extreme at the high volume
i was wondering if used a head instead of a combo if this would solve my problem
also another thing i think that might be contributing to the problem was the room it is in,its a garge, all concrete
anyways if having a head would solve my problem id sell my peavey for about 400-450 and use that money to buy a head (thats super, cheap i know) so im looking for a used one, if anyone could recomend anything or ansewer my question id be very happy
Last edited by Necro_Butcher : 2004-01-07 at 00:18.