2003-12-23, 16:38
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Barrie Ontario
Posts: 76
You did buy it new right? I assume you did. Try going back to the dealer where you purchased the amp and ask them, it may be a fault within the amp itself. I used a Marshall Valvestate 8100 Head for the better part of 2 years and had no problem with it at all, I did also get the amp used, very well used. It could just be something lose inside that was caused during the manufacturing process.
I have never heard of any amp like that just start losing power, I know tube amps do but I havent heard of valve amps doing so.
You could also send an email to Marshall and inquire about that from one of the marshall reps, they reply quite quick I have found, they are very helpful.
I dio hope you get that fixed, as for other amps about the same, check out some Peavey products, for an inexpensive head that isnt all that bad of quality, take a look at them.
the only thing about death that scares me is if i keep living after I tried not to...