I found this list of equipment Erik Rutan uses in his studio.
Here are the possibilities, but most likely the modified one because
hehe, it may be modified for Rutan.
Guitar & Bass Guitar Gear
-Marshall Artist 3203 tube amplifiers (modified 50 watt) (2)
-Marshall JCM 900 Dual Channel/ 100 watt tube amplifier
-Marshall Artist 3203 tube amplifier (30 watt)
-Marshall TSL 2000 guitar amplifier(100 watts)
-Marshall DSL 2000 guitar amplifier(100 watts)
-Ampeg Lee Jackson series 50 watt tube amplifier
-Line 6 POD
-Korg toneworks
-Ampeg SVT 350 Bass amplifier
-Ampeg SVT 8x10 cabinet
-Marshall 1960 classic (vintage 30 speakers) (2)
-Marshall 1960B (75 watt speakers) (2)
-Marshall 800 (75 watt speakers)
-Marshall 900 (75 watt speakers) (2)