2003-10-18, 22:11
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: The Miasma
Posts: 694
The ME-50 is aimed towards ppl who are going to use the multi-fx plugged into an amp. So keep that in mind. From the extremely short time I've spent with the gt6 and the me50, I'd say the gt6 is better. It's more versatile, clearer to navigate, and doesn't require an amp (well, a power amp is required, but it could go directly to a PA, thus, no more micked amps). The me-50 has a lot of varieties of distortion, but other that that, there's very little to it. So, if the difference in price is overcomable (is that a word?), I'd go for the gt-6.
But that's just my 0.1 cents
seems like you got a case of stupidphobia