2003-08-15, 07:06
New Blood
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 5
Rock Discipline
I don't know if there's already something on this.............but This DVD is insane.
John Petrucci is phuking awesome!!! He can make even Steve VAI bow down in defeat. The video has just about everything you need to know about playing guitar....well, save harmonics and all the scales and chords, but it teaches you how to be the best guitar player you can possibly be.....he shames you and MANY times lets you know that he's better than you and it'll take YEARS of practice before you can even challenge him, but he at least tells you HOW to practice so you can match him one day......I'm SOO much better because of it....ifyou're serious about guitar and you just wanna get better and better...buy this video "Rock Discipline"
My blood is molten metal and my heart as cold as steel....