2003-08-04, 11:18
New Blood
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 21
Originally posted by artofnothing6
i'm gonna let everyone else bash you for stupidity.
What the hell is so stupid about looking for members to form a metal band on a metal message board. This is the first time I've ever been to ANY kind of discussion board based on music that has looked down on someone placing an ad looking for band members.
It would be easier to put up a couple posters or something in your town, chances are no one near you will read this...
Actually I've met a few people from my area through this board. not through this ad but nevertheless through this board.
i could have sworn i saw this posted somewhere else.....idiot
Actually yes I posted it in all of the musicians forums. Because odds are, most drummers probably don't go looking around in the guitar zone or bass zone and vice versa. A lot of times when you go to a message board you will see people in certain forums that don't even bother going into any other forum. so I figured it would be wise to post it in all of the forums that would pertain to musicians that way more of them would see it
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