I'm asking because on almost every tab I've found with IE the guitar is tuned ½ step down. Or is it because the person that tabbed the song tuned his/her guitar down ½ step.
2003-05-06, 14:55
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: pretty damn close to Cephalic Carnage.
Posts: 3,648
Schaffer tunes down 1/2 step
I swear to Drunk I'm not god
As far as I know, all of his songs are down 1/2. Some guys just do this, because it feels more natural to them. It's probably something he doesn't even think about anymore.
Only Death Is Real
- Hellhammer
I'll kill Ya, You Bastard!
- Sadistik Exekution
Fuck Off And Die!
- Voivod
Fuck NS Black Metal
- Me
2003-05-06, 18:53
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: The Miasma
Posts: 694
As far as I know, there are only two Iced Earth songs that are not tuned to Eb.
1. Winter Nights (Track 5 of Disc 1 of Days of Purgatory) which is E
2. Electric Funeral (Track 4 of Melancholy EP) which is D