2003-04-30, 18:23
"Showing Off"
Apparently, Darko must be jealous of my theory thread and decided to close it.
Actually, I was thinking that my theory thread could be a reference for people that actually WANT to learn about theory. But it seems like ignorance runs high here.
and if things are thoroughly explained, then there is no need for people to ask questions.
I think I made myself pretty clear on explaining theory. I used examples and broke things down to the very basics.
..even so, think about it.. about 2% of this forum probably understands theory, right?
and I'd say only me and maybe 1 or 2 more people in this forum are at the level of theory that I am at currently...
How can there be questions when people barely understand the topic?
I'm also pretty sure that most of you people are past making pointless posts like "I DONT UNDERSTAND THIS FUCKING GARBAGE."
Anyways, theory takes time to learn and by posting things one subject at a time, it would make things easier for you people to percieve complex college level theory...
and considering that there is already a thread about sweeps and artificial, natural, pinch, and harp harmonics- there is no point in making a redundant thread about the same garbage that is already there.
Maybe I could post what I know about tapping and tap tricks such as string-skip arpeggios w/ tapping, tap slides, multi-finger taps, etc.
Not once have I seen a thread about complex theory and it seems that trying to explain theory just makes me a show-off.