remember, in Cmajor (or Aminor), the B is half diminished, or min7b5 (minor seventh flat fifth)
ok, sulution49, using your example:
(" - " means minor)
if the tonic is F#- = F#- / G / A / D (phrigian mode, applies to the Dmajor key)
if the tonic is A - = F#-7b5 / G / A- / D (dorian mode, applies to the Gmajor key) this example doesn't apply exactly to your example, 'cause you have said the chords are power chords, notate that the first one is b5
to know the keys (of sharps), you have to go by fifths:
C (A-)= no alterations (all notes natural, C, D, E, F, G, A, B, and with that you make the chords. example: C / E / G= C major chord, A / C / E= A minor chord)
G (E-)= 1 alteration: F# (G, A, B, C, D, E, F#)
D (B-)= 2 alterations: F# / C# (D, E, F#, G, A, B, C#)
A (F#-)= 3 Alterations: F# / C# / G# (A, B, C#, D, E, F#, G#)
and the flat ones(you have to go by 4ths):
C (A-)= no alterations
F (D-)= 1 alteration: Bb (F, G, A, Bb, C, D, E)
Bb (G-)= 2 alterations: Bb / Eb (Bb, C, D, Eb, F, G, A)
note: here's a trick to know fast the key without thinking "this fucking song has 5 flats........ then what fucking scale has 5 flats????"...... you gonna lose your mind
if the keys is in sharps, look at the last one: add it 1/2 step and it's your key....
obviously, if doesn't have alterations, is Cmajor
example: you have 4 sharps, the last one is (must be) a D#, then you are in E major...
if the key is in flats, look at the one before the last: that tells you the key....
example: you have 5 flats, the one before the last is (must be) a Db, then your key is Db....
i hope this helps you....
my fingers hurts!!!!
I cut you once I cut you twice
You're my midnight sacrifice
You shamed me... you shame God
You scream my name, and now you're gone