2011-02-27, 10:54
New Blood
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1
New guitar based website
Hey everyone,
Wasnt sure if any of you have been turned on to a new guitar based website that Mike Spreitzer and Jeff Kendrick (guitarists for DevilDriver) have recently made. Its called Lemon Party. The website offers lessons on how to play songs taught the correct way straight from the artists. Theres a lot of other websites that allow users to upload their interpretation of different songs they cover on guitar.. Lemon Party is not like that. Its straight from the artist, or artists. I would suggest that any beginner/intermediate or even expert (if there is such a thing) to check it out. The website is http://www.lemonparty.org . I hope to see you there!
Last edited by Paddy : 2011-03-17 at 06:05.
Reason: I like lemons.