2011-01-25, 03:12
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Antwerp
Posts: 1,472
You won't have much choice. Anything under .120 will be maaaaajorly floppy tuned to B. And most nuts really don't need refiling (which isn't a big labour anwyway), so just buy a set of 5 strings. Try going with a .125, like I said, shoudln't need refiling, and even if it does, you'll just need to take a nail-file and file on the left and right of the cut like twice.
So this Georgian Olympian runs into a bar
Aosoth - New album III out now on Agonia Recs
Epoch - bass, guitars, drums, MetaStasizing out asap
Asphixa - bass, demo out asap
Adustum - bass, guitars, full length out soon on XXXXXXXXXX recs
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Tetianblood? ... Well, 'Necrosemen' to you too. Twat.