2010-12-15, 07:39
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 5
5/2 MortuaryDrape,Adorior,Proclamation,Scythian,BestialRaids
StrataNael PromotioNs & Meat Fiddler Promorticians
Mortuary Drape -it-
The Occult Metal Masters
1st performance in the UK ever!!
Adorior -uk-
The most Violent, SataNic & Hateful Metal act in the UK
Back on stage after years of absence!!
ProclamatioN -sp-
Nuclear Blasphemous Attack!!!!
Scythian -uk-
Eternal Battle hymns of BlackThrash!!
Bestial Raids -pol-
Polish Bestial SataNic UGBM
1st time in the UK!!
Sat.5th Feb 2011
Doors 17:00
London UK
ElektroWekz - Slimelight
7 Torrens St EC1C1NQ
Tube: Angel on BlackLine