2010-11-22, 22:48
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4
How do I get a scream that sounds good?
I've been trying, trying and trying to learn screaming. I've been looking at fry, growling, yelling, what you will. But I just can't do it properly. I've given up on growling entirely, even though I'm in Bass/Baritone range and it should be extra easy for me. People say, use your diaphragm and then it comes automatically. Well it doesn't. I can't get it to rumble in my chest.
So I decided on screaming instead, and tried fry that people recommend because it isn't as harmful to your throat. Here is how I sound after a few weeks of trying to "get" it, it's fucking ridicolous.  How do I improve from here?
Please force yourself through the entire thing :P Help and advice is appreciated

2010-11-23, 12:50
Senior Metalhead
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Wow... I really don't know where to start here. You really sound awful there... I would say to just keep practicing under normal circumstances but I honestly don't know if that would help. Some people just aren't born to scream. I know you said that you've tried and tried and tried to learn but maybe you should put that effort towards something else. I'm not saying any of this to be a dick or to try and crush your dreams or anything, just honestly trying to help out.

2010-11-23, 13:04
Forum Daemon
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Originally Posted by converge_fan
Hahahahahaha! Man, you're a fucking legend. The part starting at 2:40 had me in tears.


2010-11-23, 14:49
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Bwahahahahahaha! Concurring with the former speaker, the sum up there at the end was like a red, juicy cherry at the top of an ice cream dessert. My advice would be - don't hesitate. Get out there. The world needs you.
Listening to Cannibal Corpse and cutting trees with a chainsaw, now that's metal
"He preferred the hard truth over his dearest illusion. That, is the heart of science."
- Carl Sagan
"Imagination is more important than intelligence" - Einstein

2010-11-23, 14:59
New Blood
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Posts: 4
Originally Posted by ExhumedCarcass
Wow... I really don't know where to start here. You really sound awful there... I would say to just keep practicing under normal circumstances but I honestly don't know if that would help. Some people just aren't born to scream. I know you said that you've tried and tried and tried to learn but maybe you should put that effort towards something else. I'm not saying any of this to be a dick or to try and crush your dreams or anything, just honestly trying to help out.
Yeah I probably need a teacher or something. Can't seem to find it by myself^^ But I'll keep trying anyway!
Originally Posted by Paddy
Hahahahahaha! Man, you're a fucking legend. The part starting at 2:40 had me in tears.
Was impossible to resist adding that, knowing how horrible the rest sounded anyway
Originally Posted by Amadeus
Bwahahahahahaha! Concurring with the former speaker, the sum up there at the end was like a red, juicy cherry at the top of an ice cream dessert. My advice would be - don't hesitate. Get out there. The world needs you.
I will. Seeya at the next Metalfest
But in all seriousness, anybody who is experienced with fry screaming or normal screaming who could help me out (especially somebody who remembers how it was starting out with no other vocal experience)?
Last edited by converge_fan : 2010-11-23 at 15:03.

2010-11-23, 15:42
Senior Metalhead
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My response was in all seriousness. I was that guy. Difference being when I started trying it came out as a scream not whatever the hell you want to call that. It's something some people just can't do. You are one of them.

2010-11-23, 16:56
Forum Daemon
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I apologise for laughing CF, I assumed you weren't being serious (mostly because of the "tra la la" at the end!).
There's no harm in getting lessons, if it doesn't work out so what? At least you tried.

2010-11-23, 21:08
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I haven't listened to the track you posted (it won't load for some reason), but I really think the only thing to do is to practice, practice, practice. I kind of have the same thing - as much as I want to sound like Jacob Bannon (Converge FTW!) I never will, no matter what. So instead, I just found my own scream and had to grow comfortable with it. Once I did, I got some confidence and then took it a bit further.
Lessons could only help. Even if you take lessons from a normal voice trainer, I'm sure they could give you some good tips and help you out.
EDIT: Oh god.
All I can really say, if you're not the greatest troll ever, is to put your balls into it and yell at the top of your lungs instead of screaming like your parents are in the next room. You can't get a good scream at that volume - crank up the decibels and scream like you're trying to scare someone.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery
Last edited by Dyldo : 2010-11-23 at 21:18.

2010-11-23, 23:22
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4
Originally Posted by Dyldo
I haven't listened to the track you posted (it won't load for some reason), but I really think the only thing to do is to practice, practice, practice. I kind of have the same thing - as much as I want to sound like Jacob Bannon (Converge FTW!) I never will, no matter what. So instead, I just found my own scream and had to grow comfortable with it. Once I did, I got some confidence and then took it a bit further.
Lessons could only help. Even if you take lessons from a normal voice trainer, I'm sure they could give you some good tips and help you out.
EDIT: Oh god.
All I can really say, if you're not the greatest troll ever, is to put your balls into it and yell at the top of your lungs instead of screaming like your parents are in the next room. You can't get a good scream at that volume - crank up the decibels and scream like you're trying to scare someone.
Converge FTW indeed!
As a note I'm trying to do the "fry screaming" technique. I've tried yelling on the top of my lungs as well, and it has worked as far as getting rasp in my voice, but I get hoarse and I want to preserve my vocal cords if I can.
Here is an audio file where I explain what I'm trying to learn: http://www.box.net/shared/f25dksx003
Last edited by converge_fan : 2010-11-23 at 23:26.

2010-11-23, 23:45
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Hahaha, that made me crack up. Are you Finnish?
What band uses that technique? It seems like it would sound like complete shit with anyone. Record yourself yelling/screaming. Lets see how that sounds on you. You want to yell from your diaphragm to not destroy your throat.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2010-11-23, 23:49
Forum Daemon
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HAHAHAHA!!! "It sounds like a dying hamster"!!!!!
I love you.

2010-11-29, 13:10
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4
Originally Posted by Dyldo
Hahaha, that made me crack up. Are you Finnish?
What band uses that technique? It seems like it would sound like complete shit with anyone. Record yourself yelling/screaming. Lets see how that sounds on you. You want to yell from your diaphragm to not destroy your throat.
Close, I am Swedish  we are somewhat famous for our weird English accents.
To mention a few bands that I've been told use the fry screaming technique: bring me the horizon, as i lay dying, atreyu, bullet for my valentine, darkest hour (at least on later records), killswitch engage, all shall perish, august burns red, underoath.
So I tried finding a louder way to make a scream. It kinda feels like yelling through my nose while trying to relax the throat and make a rasp by letting air flow through it. I don't know if this is the proper way but at least I am recording this while sort of yelling to loud music. I'm just afraid that I'll kill my vocal cords eventually.
Last edited by converge_fan : 2010-11-29 at 13:18.

2010-11-29, 17:52
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Originally Posted by converge_fan
Close, I am Swedish  we are somewhat famous for our weird English accents.
To mention a few bands that I've been told use the fry screaming technique: bring me the horizon, as i lay dying, atreyu, bullet for my valentine, darkest hour (at least on later records), killswitch engage, all shall perish, august burns red, underoath.
So I tried finding a louder way to make a scream. It kinda feels like yelling through my nose while trying to relax the throat and make a rasp by letting air flow through it. I don't know if this is the proper way but at least I am recording this while sort of yelling to loud music. I'm just afraid that I'll kill my vocal cords eventually.
Ah! I knew it was either that or Finnish.
Yeah... no wonder I don't like that singing method. What are you doing mixing Converge with all of that? Come on, man! Har.
Anyways, you do sound a little better, but thats probably because of the volume (you also sound farther away). Have you ever yelled at the top of you lungs at someone? And I mean tried to spit fucking fire at them because you were so pissed. Try that, and do it more from the belly. That's pretty much all I can say. Keep practicing and try out a vocal coach.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2010-11-29, 18:28
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I do have to hand it to you, Converge, well weathered. As a general rule we'd have you running and crying by now.
Which in a kinda neat way leads to the topic at hand. Because I honestly think you sound like someone is driving splinters under your nails and you cracked half an hour ago. Actually, I'd recommend taking it from the basics and learn basic singing techniques, get a teacher, sing in a choir. Fuck it if that sounds boring, point is to learn control and technique. There's always the possibility you'll end up like me, finally accepting that I'll never be a good growler but on the other hand becoming a pretty good clean singer in the process. Mind you, that took a little more than four years.
Listening to Cannibal Corpse and cutting trees with a chainsaw, now that's metal
"He preferred the hard truth over his dearest illusion. That, is the heart of science."
- Carl Sagan
"Imagination is more important than intelligence" - Einstein

2010-12-01, 18:27
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 33
Best thread ever.
OP, I recommend checking out the thread that Suspended made (it's stickied). First of all, try yelling very loudly and with as low of a tone as you can make. If it doesn't sound any better than what you originally posted, give up.
If it actually sounds more like vocals, then it's time to use your diaphragm (see the thread I mentioned). You want to figure out how to use your diaphragm at will, and force air out with it. It's a lot easier than it sounds, just try the method in the aforementioned thread.
Say 'sss' until you run out of breath. You'll feel a muscle right above your abs (or flab) start to flex. That's your diaphragm. If it helps, exhale all of your breath until it tightens up and then hold it while you breathe. While you're holding it, try to do that scream again, but flex the diaphragm as much as you can. You should notice a difference.

2010-12-04, 15:05
New Blood
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I might be able to help you. You are doing psuedo screaming right now. Bullet for my butthole used to do that until their vocalist had complications from the damage it caused to his throat. It is very bad for you.
What you want to do is push that until you feel a vibration from the top/middle of your throat. THAT is fry screaming. Do what you are doing but push the fucking shit out of it and you'll eventually feel the fry.
For false vocal chord screams my only suggestion is to start by making that noise that one makes when they are upset, like an aggressive sigh.
Additionally, there is a series of videos that I recommend to anyone who wants to learn how to scream. This man can explain vocals to you much better than I can through text.
I perform vocals so I reviewed how this guy explains how to do vocals and he is spot on. He actually taught me how to do fry screaming when I only knew how to do false chords a while back. It is very helpful. Both are very similar and you can often end up intermingling them in your songs on accident if you don't have a lot of experience with both. I used to do that a long time ago :P
Any who, what this guy's videos. I'm sure they'll help a lot.
P.S. he even sort of talks like you :P

2010-12-10, 04:28
New Blood
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Posts: 9
converge_fan dont let that dickhead tell you that you can't scream. Listen up idiots, it doesn't take anyone special to scream, EVERYONE has false vocal chords. Everyone can do it, it just takes some can do attitude and patience. As for what TYPE of scream you put out, now that isn't up to you. Thats natures choice. Figure out your vocal range, make sure you warm up alot ( if you dont have time to warm up i find drinking hot tea with honey helps as the heat will loosen up all the muscles in your neck in general let alone the vocal chords ) DO NOT DRINK SOFT DRINK / COLD DRINKS BEFORE A VOCAL SESSION. Also i find screaming practise without a microphone these days to be very counter-productive. Half the time you will belt out a scream and it will sound wrong to your ear cos your not taking into account all the screams your hearing are through a microphone either on stage plugged into a P.A or in a studio plugged into a P.A. In a nutshell, warming up is important. Dont beat yourself up and microphones, if you want the fastest progress. Practise with one for gods sake.

2010-12-10, 07:15
New Blood
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Posts: 33
Converge_Fan, if you do start to get good at vocals --- please remember how to make the noises you were making in your original post. I would love to have you featured on an album.
Please practice some more and post a new link after you've improved some

2010-12-13, 09:05
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
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Wow, that's a mind bender.  I'm just glad I didn't have headphones on. They probably would have gone through the wall.

My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2010-12-14, 05:36
Pirate Lawd
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2010-12-14, 20:06
New Blood
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I really wish I could hold a note that long..

2010-12-16, 06:55
Pirate Lawd
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