2010-04-03, 07:20
Vaginal Warts
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Location: I live in a giant bucket.
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Basically: do you you like it or do you think its shit?
Personally I've been getting into it... there's plenty of shit out there but lots of cool stuff, too. I even started writing some (harder than it sounds once you try it, damn). I always loved lots of bass my whole life, and by that I mean just the tone. So this mid-bass, frequency-mashing, rhythmically insane genre that I've been missing out on is turning out to be great. You'll find all sorts of subdivions/tuplets rhythmically, which mostly carries the pieces. Even weird shit occasionally like 5 or 7-tuplets.
I've always been listening to/writing electronic music, but I forgot if anybody else listens to this stuff? It might be that dubstep is just a nice change from the trance/techno vibe that has existed forever. I still love that stuff when it's done right, but dubstep is a nice breath of fresh air compared...
I'm gonna try listening to some Rusko or Skream... I've just been hopping around aimlessly finding stuff that sounds good. Those guys are supposed to be big in the "dubstep" thing...
Lemme know if you guys are into this, or just call me a fag and lets get this over with 
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.

2010-04-03, 07:37
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,068
What is Dupstep?
Please name every dupstep artist/band that you think is good.

2010-04-03, 14:35
Too _____, wouldn't fuck
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2010-04-03, 18:26
Vaginal Warts
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: I live in a giant bucket.
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That sounds awesome... Fun shit to listen to when it's done really well. This shit is the definition of produced haha... I love it.
I wonder who first really made a full song out of LFO's working off of each other with extreme cut-off... not to mention the rhythms that came out of it. Maybe now less white people will be rhythmically-challenged if they listen to this. 
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.

2010-04-03, 19:22
Too _____, wouldn't fuck
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 2,542
I have no idea what you are saying in the second line lol. it is pretty awesome stuff but it can get boring/repetitive after a while
here is another awesome one when the bass drops, just skip to 00:53 to get to the good stuff

2010-04-04, 04:50
Vaginal Warts
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: I live in a giant bucket.
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I need to get one of Datsik's albums... I think I'll do that right now.
I've been using Logic Pro 8 for a long time, and I watched this video about how to use the ES2 synth program in it. Really fun to fuck with all the nobs and see what you can get out of it, but I've heard that some people like Datsik combine Logic and Reason together and shit. I'm just gonna stick to one program... not that hardcore about it.
Definitely a genre that you need to be in the mood for (like most). Interesting though how some dubstep can start to sound old, but there are quite a few approaches to it so you can find some that sounds different.
For some reason I feel like I didn't feel like typing right now and all the above text makes no sense.
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.

2010-04-04, 06:07
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Yeah, dubstep is pretty rad. To be honest though, I'm pretty newbish about it as I'm only familiar with a few artists. A local Uni radio station always has DJs on playing the shit and I usually try and tune into listen to their sets whenever I can. This genre really seems to be exploding over the last year or so as I keep seeing and hearing about it more and more. This is a good thing because, for the most part, it demands a lot more from the writer and the listener and will hopefully shake people awake from their un-seh-un-seh^93763 trance coma, an unfortunately common side-effect that plagues electronic music. And yeah.. this shit is produced amazingly well. Speaking of amazing production..
Hey Ian (and anyone else that is looking for the following): do you really want to shit your pants? I mean, do you have a honest-to-god burning desire to have a burning release? Do you truly want to have an explosive, sonically-induced anal abortion that will lay waste to your entire residential plumbing system? Then check out an album called Totems Flare by an artist named Clark, specifically the track "Growls Garden" (which you can listen to here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzVApCFNh_4. Unfrotunately his myspace doesn't have a full version [of any song really, and the majority of everything else that's up are remixes and shit, definitely not a good introduction to him which may be in part due to the fact that pretty much everything before this specific release isn't anything that impressive] so you'll have to check out it on the provided youtube link with greatly decreased sound quality). 2:08 of that song is so fucking badass I can't get over it. Prescription strength laxative. If you're a cheap-ass, SoulSeek that shit asap! This is one of the best electronic releases I've ever heard. Even though this isn't dubstep, I thought I'd bring it up anyway since we're on the topic of killer electronica stuff.
I love Reason and I can't imagine making electronica without it. I usually use a combination of 3-4 programs that all run through Cubase as VSTs.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery
Last edited by Dyldo : 2010-04-04 at 06:13.

2010-04-04, 19:11
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: austin tx
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I loved Dubstep. Caspa & Rusko's Fabric Live 37 is my favorite album of the genre. I'm also a big fan of Jazzsteppa.

2010-04-05, 00:11
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Antwerp
Posts: 1,472
Not so much into dubstep. Anyone here into breakcore? Bong-Ra, Venetian Snares, Hellfish, ...?
So this Georgian Olympian runs into a bar
Aosoth - New album III out now on Agonia Recs
Epoch - bass, guitars, drums, MetaStasizing out asap
Asphixa - bass, demo out asap
Adustum - bass, guitars, full length out soon on XXXXXXXXXX recs
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Tetianblood? ... Well, 'Necrosemen' to you too. Twat.

2010-04-05, 07:05
Vaginal Warts
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: I live in a giant bucket.
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I'm a cheap motherfucker, Dylan! DL it right now after hearing the track you linked. I need to listen to that in some better quality, and preferably on some awesome speakers... and I plan to do this as soon as possible.
I'm pretty n00bish with dubstep as well, but I'm starting to learn more about it. I started to find out that everybody around me has been getting into it for quite some time. It really sprung up from nowhere, especially considering that the biggest artists aren't really that big.
Maybe this will be the big turning point for normal mainstream music... soon common time will vanish, nobody will be able to read music, and quarter notes will sound like shit if they aren't surrounded by quintuplets. Music will be a schizophrenic mess.
Hell, I don't see a problem with it. Aren't we all about "change" now, or something?
and @ Dyldo specifically: how do you run one program through another? And wtf are the advantages?
Originally Posted by Wolfsherz
Not so much into dubstep. Anyone here into breakcore? Bong-Ra, Venetian Snares, Hellfish, ...?
I've heard one Bong-Ra song: Monster Truck. That song is friggin insane and fast as hell. Awesome drums.
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.

2010-04-05, 14:37
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: austin tx
Posts: 2,234
I fucking love breakcore.
Venetian Snares, Xanopticon, Dev/Null
Man, have you guys heard Bong Ra's other projects? The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation and The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble? Awesome stuff.

2010-04-05, 20:49
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Originally Posted by JoeYngVai
I'm a cheap motherfucker, Dylan! DL it right now after hearing the track you linked. I need to listen to that in some better quality, and preferably on some awesome speakers... and I plan to do this as soon as possible.
Good, as long as you get to hear the album. I can send it to you if you have trouble DLing it. That album begs to be played loud.
Originally Posted by JoeYngVai
how do you run one program through another? And wtf are the advantages?
Whoa, whoa.. you've never used plug-ins or any VSTis? The advantages are simplicity and organization. Lets say you have 3 programs that you use to create music: Reason, Cubase, and Fruity Loops with Cubase being your template (i.e. you put all of your tracks into it and do your EQing there). Instead of having all three programs running independently and having to constantly switch between the three and importing everything in to Cubase, you can sync them all up to run together.
I'm having trouble finding the words to adequately explain it, so let me give you a personal example. Before I did this and I had a song that used all three of the above mentioned programs I had to do this: Create Cubase template and specify BPM. Then open Reason, match BPM, write something with some synth, save and export it to a .wav, and then import back it into Cubase. Then I had to do this same process with the other programs which meant that if I ever wanted to change even a single note with one of the imported files, I had to go back into the specific programs and change the note, save and export it again and then re-import the new file back into Cubase. THERE'S GOT TO BE A BETTER WAY. There is!
Syncing them all together would do this: Open Cubase and create a VST track for all the programs I want (so there is a specific MIDI track for each program and when I click the track, the program can be accessed through it). I want to record a measure with a synth in Reason. I click the the Reason track and record. It records right there in Cubase and I don't have to do any export/importing and if I want to change anything I can just edit the MIDI file and change it right there. If I want to change the BPM of the song or change the time signature I only do it in Cubase as they're all running through it.
That might be kind of confusing.. it might be something you have to see in the works to get the feel of it. It's pretty easy to set up and I'm sure I could help you do it. I've only done it with Cubase and Ableton but I don't imagine its very different for ProTools or whatever you might be using.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2010-04-05, 22:20
Vaginal Warts
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Location: I live in a giant bucket.
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Oh that makes sense now, I'd just have to take a while to figure out the whole set up. Converting and importing WAV starts to get really crummy after you bounce it, because you eventually start bouncing WAV audio files as WAV audio files  I did this for a student film I scored and it got kinda sloppy...
Maybe some time you can show me your set-up/home studio. Do you use a MIDI keyboard?
Right now with Logic & EastWest samples I'm pretty set, but if I learned to use reason and run it through Logic that would be pretty awesome for the future. And that house show I played in OC had TONS of guys using Ableton Live for their electronic stuff, but I haven't used it yet. Is it just another sequencer?
I've listened to the first few tracks on Totems Flare... really raunchy electronica haha. The breakdown of Growls Garden is still one of the coolest things I've heard. So far its really awesome, and I'm gonna give the rest a play today
I've also noticed that most of Rusko's stuff besides Woo Boost I can't really get into... anybody else listen to Rusko? He has an album called OMG or something, and I don't have that but I got his discography otherwise. I don't know why that wasn't on his discography though.
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.
Last edited by JoeYngVai : 2010-04-05 at 22:22.

2010-04-05, 23:26
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Yeah man, stop by any time and I can show you around my "studio" (aka my computer). You'll see how I got it all set up and what I use and if you want anything I can just burn it for you. You should be able to run EW through logic. Yeah, I use a pretty basic M-Audio MIDI keyboard. I don't really record with it all that much. I more use it to build up a basic idea and then, depending on the riff, punch in the MIDI notes manually. I'm weird.
Ableton Live is pretty fucking sweet. It has a sequencer, but that isn't at all its major function. Its scary well made and is so goddamn friendly and intuitive for live electronica. I suggest torrenting it and playing around with it.
Glad you like it so far. I actually got introduced to that album by the very last track, which isn't electronica at all, which is a great guitar piece that I heard on UCI's college radio station and said to myself: "Must.. have" and the next day was greeted unexpectedly by some seriously great electro. That album achieves a fucking great atmosphere that remains consistent throughout and actually "feels" like an album, juxtaposed alongside most electronic albums that just feels like a playlist of songs with little relation to each other.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery
Last edited by Dyldo : 2010-04-05 at 23:36.

2010-04-05, 23:49
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Location: austin tx
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Originally Posted by moe_blunts
I loved Dubstep. Caspa & Rusko's Fabric Live 37 is my favorite album of the genre.
Shit is intense.

2010-04-06, 02:18
Vaginal Warts
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: I live in a giant bucket.
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Originally Posted by Dyldo
Yeah man, stop by any time and I can show you around my "studio" (aka my computer). You'll see how I got it all set up and what I use and if you want anything I can just burn it for you. You should be able to run EW through logic. Yeah, I use a pretty basic M-Audio MIDI keyboard. I don't really record with it all that much. I more use it to build up a basic idea and then, depending on the riff, punch in the MIDI notes manually. I'm weird.
Ableton Live is pretty fucking sweet. It has a sequencer, but that isn't at all its major function. Its scary well made and is so goddamn friendly and intuitive for live electronica. I suggest torrenting it and playing around with it.
Glad you like it so far. I actually got introduced to that album by the very last track, which isn't electronica at all, which is a great guitar piece that I heard on UCI's college radio station and said to myself: "Must.. have" and the next day was greeted unexpectedly by some seriously great electro. That album achieves a fucking great atmosphere that remains consistent throughout and actually "feels" like an album, juxtaposed alongside most electronic albums that just feels like a playlist of songs with little relation to each other.
I'll have to take you up on that offer sometime during summer fo sho.
I've gotten so used to my keyboard that I use it for recording (and then quantize, of course). Mine is fully weighted with 88 keys, though, I'm not sure if yours is?
AL sounds so awesome now that I have to get it, since my band is a major mix of electronic/rock. Is your band playing any shows one day? I swear, one day we have to have a MT band fest, along with any associated bands... it'll be a really fucking weird mix of music haha.
I'm gonna go listen to that last track tonight... can't imagine this guy doing something that isn't electronic.
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.

2010-04-06, 20:17
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Originally Posted by JoeYngVai
I'll have to take you up on that offer sometime during summer fo sho.
I've gotten so used to my keyboard that I use it for recording (and then quantize, of course). Mine is fully weighted with 88 keys, though, I'm not sure if yours is?
AL sounds so awesome now that I have to get it, since my band is a major mix of electronic/rock. Is your band playing any shows one day? I swear, one day we have to have a MT band fest, along with any associated bands... it'll be a really fucking weird mix of music haha.
I'm gonna go listen to that last track tonight... can't imagine this guy doing something that isn't electronic.
Nah, no shows for Deadhead Roses. My drummer is living in Colorado right now to get some money so he can move back out here so anything live with him is postponed until then (we continue to write though). However! I'll probably be playing some solo shows in the summer (singing/guitar/dulcimer). I'll let you know about that if you're interested in coming out.
I think an MT music fest would be next to impossible considering that everyone lives scattered around the globe. If by some chance a few of them manage to all congregate in one place (riot police will be present, no doubt), I doubt they'll be able to bring their entire band and equipment with them. I think Nomad should get off his golden thrown that has been paid for by us and give all the mods plane tickets to meet somewhere, all expenses paid. That motherfucker is filthy rich, as green as this board! I know it! The regs can get half-off, I guess..
Yeah, that last track, "Absence" is actually really pretty too.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery
Last edited by Dyldo : 2010-04-06 at 20:25.

2010-04-06, 22:16
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Originally Posted by moe_blunts
I loved Dubstep. Caspa & Rusko's Fabric Live 37 is my favorite album of the genre. I'm also a big fan of Jazzsteppa.
Checked out that Fabric Live album.. that pulsating-wobbly square/sin/whatever wave gets really fucking annoying after 10 tracks. Other then that, its got some pretty sweet tracks.
Originally Posted by JoeYngVai
I've listened to the first few tracks on Totems Flare... really raunchy electronica haha. The breakdown of Growls Garden is still one of the coolest things I've heard. So far its really awesome, and I'm gonna give the rest a play today
I should mention too that he mostly uses hardware when he writes his shit, and just uses Logic to do tweaking and mastering. I really want to play around with good hardware, like the TB-303 and shit, but is so fucking expensive! But my god, is that sound so nice and crisp.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery
Last edited by Dyldo : 2010-04-06 at 22:21.

2010-04-07, 00:02
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Chicago
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So, so, so fucking great.
Funt Case
Flux Pavilion
I don't care what anyone says, the American robotic version is WAAAAYYYY better than the UK-not-harsh-as-fuck version.

2010-04-08, 19:27
Vaginal Warts
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: I live in a giant bucket.
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Yea I agree with you Cunty. I need dubstep to be fucking disgusting sounding.
I need to find a place to get one of Datsik's albums... or some place to buy it. Dub is still underground enough to make it hard to find the music!
Yeah, that last track, "Absence" is actually really pretty too.
yea man that was surprising.
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.

2010-04-08, 22:33
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Do you use SoulSeek, Ian? I just did a search for Datsik and tons of their shit pops up (and the dude I'm DLing off of is going at 630 k/s!).
If you haven't used SoulSeek, you definitely need to get it as you can find some really rare shit on there. I'm not sure if there is a puss- I mean, Mac version, but if they don't I strongly suggest going as far as setting up a VM to run windows so that you can use SLSK (and if you did, then you'd be able to use those music programs we discussed).
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2010-04-09, 01:46
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2010-04-09, 09:48
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Antwerp
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Originally Posted by moe_blunts
I fucking love breakcore.
Venetian Snares, Xanopticon, Dev/Null
Man, have you guys heard Bong Ra's other projects? The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation and The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble? Awesome stuff.
Just got their hoodie, brilliant looking stuff and Here Be Dragons is THE chill-album this month so far. Also, be sure to check out their (TKDE) cover of Saint Vitus' Patra!
So this Georgian Olympian runs into a bar
Aosoth - New album III out now on Agonia Recs
Epoch - bass, guitars, drums, MetaStasizing out asap
Asphixa - bass, demo out asap
Adustum - bass, guitars, full length out soon on XXXXXXXXXX recs
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Tetianblood? ... Well, 'Necrosemen' to you too. Twat.

2010-04-10, 18:24
Vaginal Warts
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: I live in a giant bucket.
Posts: 2,289
Originally Posted by Dyldo
Do you use SoulSeek, Ian? I just did a search for Datsik and tons of their shit pops up (and the dude I'm DLing off of is going at 630 k/s!).
If you haven't used SoulSeek, you definitely need to get it as you can find some really rare shit on there. I'm not sure if there is a puss- I mean, Mac version, but if they don't I strongly suggest going as far as setting up a VM to run windows so that you can use SLSK (and if you did, then you'd be able to use those music programs we discussed).
Damn, I always just look for torrents and have been having trouble with them. I'll check out SoulSeek and see if it works.
Damn, there's enough info in this thread to keep me occupied for a while!
Damn, I start my sentences with damn.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
That's some scary Dubstep there. Never heard of him before. Definitely more of a "hypnotic" sounding dubstep, though. Not a whole lot of change, but still cool.
EDIT: Dylan, just checked soulseek... it doesn't support HOW AWESOME MACINTOSH COMPUTERS ARE.
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.
Last edited by JoeYngVai : 2010-04-10 at 18:36.

2010-07-10, 23:00
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: terra firma
Posts: 6,940
I'm not really into dubstep but Borgore owns the genre.
Last edited by Requiem : 2010-07-12 at 03:06.

2010-07-10, 23:29
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Poland, Rzeszów
Posts: 234
Boom bye bye
Inna batty bwoy head
Rude bwoy no promote no nasty man
Dem haffi dead!
Last edited by Medicine man : 2010-07-10 at 23:35.

2010-07-11, 11:25
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Ger., North
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Originally Posted by Requiem
I'm not really into dubstep but Borgor owns the genre.
Totally agreed. Some tracks are pretty weird but most of the stuff is just WABBABABABABABABABABBABABBBBAAAA (kickass).
But favourite is and will always be ths Dubstep Santa
C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2010-07-11, 22:19
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Originally Posted by Gomli
Ahaha, yeah. I liked Dubstep for the first 4 songs until I realized that its pretty uninvented.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2010-07-14, 12:02
Symbiotic In Theory
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'' I'll Smother You With A Fucking Pillow!! ''
Originally Posted by metal=life
Hey don't talk back buddy. Give your dick size or don't post.

2010-07-14, 13:10
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That's the reason why I never gave dubstep a chance.

2011-11-07, 01:02
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 840
So I've checked out the Dubstep artists listed in this thread and managed to only find a few things I like by each one.. At the top of the list is Against the Machines, and some other Downlink stuff.
Seems like this genre has the potential to be really nice, but the majority of stuff I come across is way too repetitive or just sounds bad.

2011-11-07, 01:18
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After having spent around a month exploring Dubstep, I can now say it is one of the most boring fucking genres of electronica. Its all the same. Its all the same. Its all the same. Its a lot like listening to most hardcore/deathcore bands. Its fucking uncreative overkill. Its just meaningless melodies filling the space between generic breakdowns. The "breakdowns" in Dubstep can be awesome, but they all sound the same and you soon realize its embarassingly predictable and not a very fullfulling or forward-thinking genre.
Also (HAHAHA): Korn to release dubstep album
If you're looking for heavy, weird mind-fucking electronica, there's much, much, much better options out there: Exhibit A. Not as "heavy breakdowny" as Dubstep, but oh-so-much more fulfilling, innovated, and interesting. And while I'm on the topic of mental electronica, check out this Aphex Twin track. The ending, around 6:54, is fucking insane, and with the right speaker positioning (headphones or a car, i.e. any scenario when the speakers are to the right and left to you) is seizure inducing. I laugh every time at the rattling it does to my brain. I know it isn't fair to put Richard D. James in the same post as Dubstep (as I don't mean to say "THIS IS WHY DUBSTEP SUCKS!"), I'm just saying because I'm listening to it right now and am slightly intoxicated. I suggest listening to the entire song though, as the theme he bring in around the 2:20 mark is the one that he fucks with at the end. My god the fucking detail RDJ puts into his music!
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery
Last edited by Dyldo : 2011-11-07 at 01:49.

2011-11-07, 20:26
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 840
Originally Posted by Dyldo
After having spent around a month exploring Dubstep, I can now say it is one of the most boring fucking genres of electronica. Its all the same. Its all the same. Its all the same. Its a lot like listening to most hardcore/deathcore bands. Its fucking uncreative overkill. Its just meaningless melodies filling the space between generic breakdowns. The "breakdowns" in Dubstep can be awesome, but they all sound the same and you soon realize its embarassingly predictable and not a very fullfulling or forward-thinking genre.
Also (HAHAHA): Korn to release dubstep album
I don't mine something being stupid as long as it sounds good, but the majority of dubstep I've listened to fails to even meet that meager standard. Your assessment of dubstep was my impression after listening to a fair amount of it.. I just had faith that there were some amazing artists out there because of the few tracks I came across that were very solid, but I feel at ease giving up the search after your post.
Originally Posted by Dyldo
If you're looking for heavy, weird mind-fucking electronica, there's much, much, much better options out there: Exhibit A. Not as "heavy breakdowny" as Dubstep, but oh-so-much more fulfilling, innovated, and interesting. And while I'm on the topic of mental electronica, check out this Aphex Twin track. The ending, around 6:54, is fucking insane, and with the right speaker positioning (headphones or a car, i.e. any scenario when the speakers are to the right and left to you) is seizure inducing. I laugh every time at the rattling it does to my brain. I know it isn't fair to put Richard D. James in the same post as Dubstep (as I don't mean to say "THIS IS WHY DUBSTEP SUCKS!"), I'm just saying because I'm listening to it right now and am slightly intoxicated. I suggest listening to the entire song though, as the theme he bring in around the 2:20 mark is the one that he fucks with at the end. My god the fucking detail RDJ puts into his music!
I've never really explored electronica much because the bits I've heard never captured me. The only appealing thing dubstep had was that it was basically just heavy as fuck fun music.
The last song you linked was really good.. Gonna take a few listens to let it sink in though..

2011-11-09, 16:17
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Antwerp
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Only breakcore is real.
So this Georgian Olympian runs into a bar
Aosoth - New album III out now on Agonia Recs
Epoch - bass, guitars, drums, MetaStasizing out asap
Asphixa - bass, demo out asap
Adustum - bass, guitars, full length out soon on XXXXXXXXXX recs
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Tetianblood? ... Well, 'Necrosemen' to you too. Twat.

2011-11-09, 19:48
Vaginal Warts
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Skrillex is awesome.
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.

2011-11-09, 19:56
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I don't rike Skrillex. He bore.
estringrev: if you like that track, check out that entire album by Aphex Twin, Druqks.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2011-11-09, 21:08
Vaginal Warts
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: I live in a giant bucket.
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I like his new song "First Of The Year." That weird lead melody that happens just a couple times makes me smile. Also "Scary Monsters & Nice Sprites" is always fun to listen to. Some of his stuff is boring, though, but I'm a moderate fan.
This with good speakers is PHAT AS FUCK: Equinox
NOTE: I really want to have a nerdy discussion about writing electronic music with sequencers right now.
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.
Last edited by JoeYngVai : 2011-11-09 at 21:42.

2011-11-26, 05:34
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 840
Originally Posted by Dyldo
found a higher quality version of that piece on youtube..
I'm REALLY liking it after hearing a higher quality version on some semi-decent speakers.

2011-11-26, 18:03
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Nice! Yeah, you should just pick up that album if you like that track.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2011-12-09, 15:46
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Bahahaha, Justin Beiber is planning on releasing a Dubstep album also (see: Korn).
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2011-12-09, 19:49
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Like baby baby baby buuuuuuur durrr dur duuuuuuur bur bur burrrrrrrr
Like baby baby baby wobble wobbly wobble durrrrrrr
BAY wobble wobble BEE Wahwahwahwah

2011-12-30, 15:35
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2011-12-30, 17:39
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Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2012-01-01, 02:16
Supreme Metalhead
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this genre is pathetic
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