2009-09-21, 19:42
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,068
Official Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced Lesson Thread
I figured the forum of Metal Tabs would be a great place for this. I think there should be one of these in every forum.
Basically, if you have any FREE online guides/lessons/youtubes that offer insight on how one person of any level can improve their skills, post it here. Eventually the goal of this would be to have three separate PACKED threads full of each of those individualized by Novice/Intermediate/Advanced.
So, if you know of any that may have worked for you, post em.
For example: If this were in the guitar forum, someone would eventually post the basic major and minor scales.
In this forum, that Derek Roddy (whats his name again? Grrrr) guy have videos that would probably be pretty good.
Maybe someone will jump in the forums who had just started playing drums, wishing to learn the ways of the metal, and find a lot of great stuff here to get them started.
Maybe someone already advanced, in the confusion of all their technical... stuff, will pick up something that may have skipped their mind and be able to focus fully on it by using this thread once.
Well I might post some later but for now its just an idea (Shoot it if you want, metaltabs congress!) but ultimately I hope for this to be a sticky.
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