2003-03-02, 22:22
Black Metal
I was just curious to hear what other people think about Black Metal. What's
your top 5 black metal bands? And what do you think about COF, do you
think they've sold out? I like them but I think their too sold out.
1. Ancient Ceremony
2. Children of Bodom
3. Dimmu Borgir
4. Borknagar
5. Dark Funeral

2003-03-02, 23:56
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 415
Graveworm > all
"Like a slow scenery
I'm losing all my faith
In lifeless motion
You're walking like you're dead"

2003-03-03, 00:59
well... Black Metal is my favorite genre ...as for "favorite bands" there are lots so I can't choose only 5 ... I only like the first 3 CoF albums ...after Dusk and Her Embrace I don't like it.

2003-03-03, 01:01
Drunken Yeti God
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Dimmu and CoB I really like, and one song by Immortal, but I won't listen to anything else.
And whether they sold out or not, I hate CoF.
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2003-03-03, 01:08
Join Date: Jul 2002
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CoF in no way sold out. They still have BM type vocals and fast drumming. So someone please explain how they have sold out.......
I just heard "Her Ghost in the Fog", it's brilliant.
Does Danni do all the different male vocals?
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-03-03, 01:24
Why CoF sold out
1. Signing with sony...need i go on
2. Gain Left
3. They no longer play BM, they play gothic metal.....
my fav bm bands
1. Burzum
2. Graveland
3. Dissection
4. Xasthur
5. Darkthrone

2003-03-03, 01:41
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 2,931
Originally posted by uuuuhhhhhhh
Why CoF sold out
1. Signing with sony...need i go on
2. Gain Left
3. They no longer play BM, they play gothic metal.....
but thats really only after midian, and including from the cradle to enslave

2003-03-03, 03:43
1, Mayhem
2. Burzum
3. Blinded by faith
4. marduk
5. darkthrone
for the CoF thing now: Yeah they are on Sony, yeah some wannabegoth listen to them, and they're well known (for a BM band) but, the old cd's are good. some songs on Midian are great too. But the newest album, I didnt like it alot thought.
Uuuuhhhhhhh said it, they play gothic metal now.

2003-03-03, 06:34
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in no particular order, sorry.
no glam black metal shit here...

i like 12yo blonde russian skoolgirls but INTERPOL thinks im skum

2003-03-03, 09:09
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Originally posted by Gigantic Penis
CoF in no way sold out. They still have BM type vocals and fast drumming. So someone please explain how they have sold out.......
I just heard "Her Ghost in the Fog", it's brilliant.
Does Danni do all the different male vocals?
Well, I wouldn´t say they sold out but they are definatly more populair and sell more shit then any other band.... But Midian is a great album... and the reason everyone left is that Dani Filth is a wanker and allways makes problems with everyone....
Finally: Yes, Dani does all the vocals...
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-03-03, 09:10
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oh and I also forgot!
I love black metal!!!!!!
1. Marduk
2. Immortal
3. Dimmu Borgir
4. Burzum
5. Darkthrone
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-03-03, 12:19
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Utrecht
Posts: 425
Black metal is Awsome!!
my favorite bands are:
1) Dimmu Borgir
2) Burzum
3) Heidenland
4) Mactatus
5) Emperror
Alles kan stuk..... skål!

2003-03-03, 14:01
New Blood
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Posts: 34
Cradle are sold out!!! i cannot see them any more!!! in every issue of the legacy zine there is an article about cradle, there are new albs almost every month etc.....
my favourite bm band is EISREGEN!!!

2003-03-03, 14:31
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Top 5, in order
1) Anaal Nathrakh (heard a lot of demos...too bad their fuckin CD costs 27 dollars to order here in the states)
2) Immortal
3) Emperor
4) Dimmu Borgir (sorry, I still like everything I've herad since Stormblast)
5) Kult Ov Azazel
I just really wish they'd take off that make-up and running around in the forest holding pitchforks...these guys are how old and they're still pretending to be demons and shite? Oh well, still fun to listen to.
x  x
"As Horrifying as Being Raped by a Grizzly Bear in Front of a Full Body Mirror" one of my many song titles

2003-03-03, 14:33
ahhh fuck it...
this are the bands I'm listening more this days :
Grand Belial's Key
Judas Iscariot

2003-03-03, 17:45
Supreme Metalhead
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1) forgotten woods
2) hades almighty
3) ancient
4) immortal
5) emperor
all cof albums suck!!
Join the hordes!!

2003-03-03, 18:10
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immortal is the only BM band i know and they rock!

2003-03-03, 18:56
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Ok, for all you people that say CoF sold out, you are fucking retards. Go ride the short bus..........no offense in all, but it is true.
1. Koch, Cacophonous, etc. will offer them less money, lower tour budgets, worse recording equipment, and less cd distribution. Sony offers the exact opposite. Tough choice on who to sign with.........
2. "Well, CoF used to be grind, extreme, technical black metal. Now, they are melodic, gothic, technical black metal. THOSE FUCKING SELL OUTS!!!!!"
people who say any of this genre changing crap are dumbasses.
3. CoF has one of the most retarded, degenerate, loser fanbases. They can't win. If they totally stagneted themselves and made 10 straight albums like "The Principle of Evil Made Flesh", their dumbass fans would still bitch about them NOT evolving.
However, since CoF is popular, all their little shit fans with their shitty BM bands will whine.
Case in point:
Do you remeber the guy that came here for a short while called Judas Iscariot? He made one thread bitching about CoF and Dimmu. Turns out, Judas Iscariot is a little unknown band. I'm sure he had his own little shitty BM band (it wouldn't surprise me if he was a member of JI). Just a loser pissed out cuz CoF rules and his band sucks.
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head
Last edited by Gigantic Penis : 2003-03-03 at 18:58.

2003-03-03, 19:02
Originally posted by Gigantic Penis
Turns out, Judas Iscariot is a little unknown band. I'm sure he had his own little shitty BM band (it wouldn't surprise me if he was a member of JI). Just a loser pissed out cuz CoF rules and his band sucks.
hmmmm ....dude Judas Iscariot is one of the greatest American Black Metal bands so don't say shit if you know nothing.

2003-03-03, 19:04
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I'm not really into black but I'm getting slowly into
Here are my favorites for now at least from the ones I know
Dissection (if considered black)
Could you guys introduce me to the black world
Ps: I don't like symphonic stuff (Dimmu...)
"Those who know don't speak
Those who speak don't know"

2003-03-03, 19:06
Originally posted by Lord Arioch
Could you guys introduce me to the black world
sure dude ... do you use MSN Messenger ? if you do add me if you want : Lord_Malphas@immortal.com , if you don't use it download it here http://messenger.msn.com it's fast and easy to use shit

2003-03-03, 19:53
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Originally posted by Lord Malphas
hmmmm ....dude Judas Iscariot is one of the greatest American Black Metal bands so don't say shit if you know nothing.
Aghhhhhhh! You missed the ENTIRE point! Malphenstein, you need to understand before you reply. I am not making fun of the band Judas Iscariot! I am talking about the CoF fans. He made a thread bitching about CoF, etc. Re-read my post and try to get the point of what I'm trying to say. I was talking about how CoF has NOT sold out, I was making a point in reference to the JI post...........
Also, even is JI is so great, they are very, very unknown. I can take a rough estimate and say that over 95% (probably more like 99%) of Americans haven't even heard of JI.............
Moribund and Red Stream records can't exactly give large distribution of cds. Plus, I also know that it is a one man band, thus touring would be "difficult" (whether he hires a band to tour, I do not know, or care), to say the least.
Trust me, Malphopolis, I do make sure to know stuff before using a reference.
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-03-03, 20:08
Originally posted by Gigantic Penis
Also, even is JI is so great, they are very, very unknown. I can take a rough estimate and say that over 95% (probably more like 99%) of Americans haven't even heard of JI.............
hmmm... maybe because 50% of the Americans listen Rap then 10%listen nu-metal shit then 35% listen pop shit ...then 5% listen real metal as Death - Black and some others.

2003-03-03, 20:20
Originally posted by Gigantic Penis
Ok, for all you people that say CoF sold out, you are fucking retards. Go ride the short bus..........no offense in all, but it is true.
1. Koch, Cacophonous, etc. will offer them less money, lower tour budgets, worse recording equipment, and less cd distribution. Sony offers the exact opposite. Tough choice on who to sign with.........
2. "Well, CoF used to be grind, extreme, technical black metal. Now, they are melodic, gothic, technical black metal. THOSE FUCKING SELL OUTS!!!!!"
people who say any of this genre changing crap are dumbasses.
3. CoF has one of the most retarded, degenerate, loser fanbases. They can't win. If they totally stagneted themselves and made 10 straight albums like "The Principle of Evil Made Flesh", their dumbass fans would still bitch about them NOT evolving.
However, since CoF is popular, all their little shit fans with their shitty BM bands will whine.
Do you remeber the guy that came here for a short while called Judas Iscariot? He made one thread bitching about CoF and Dimmu. Turns out, Judas Iscariot is a little unknown band. I'm sure he had his own little shitty BM band (it wouldn't surprise me if he was a member of JI). Just a loser pissed out cuz CoF rules and his band sucks.
1. WHo cares??
2. they were never extreme or grind, not even technical
3 wtf are you saying, its dumb
And dude, BLack Metal Isnt supposed to be popular or commercial. You suck
I also remember one guy, he was complaning at power metal, and non-keyboard music....do you remember him??

2003-03-03, 21:02
Senior Metalhead
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Actually, Judas Iscariot is quite a popular band for people who actually listen to blackmetal.
Saying that a guy who is somehow conected to judas is jealous of COF is very fucking ridiculous!
Hail Death!

2003-03-03, 21:15
Originally posted by SlayedJesus
Saying that a guy who is somehow conected to judas is jealous of COF is very fucking ridiculous!
that guy wasn't connected to Judas Iscariot in any way.

2003-03-03, 21:19
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yes but you get what i mean
Hail Death!

2003-03-03, 21:55
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Originally posted by EmperorMalignus
I also remember one guy, he was complaning at power metal, and non-keyboard music....do you remember him??
That asshole wasn't complaing, its called a sense of humor and a sense of reality.
Malphas, you still don't seem to realize that I was not talking about JI as a topic, it was a REFERENCE. Once again, re-read my posts and try again. I don't care how popular JI is, or how much they rule.
"Black metal isn't supposed to be popular."
That comment should win an award for sheer stupidity.
If BM wasn't meant to be popular, why would they make cds? Making cds will create a fan base. Why bands in general (including BM bands) tour after a cd realeas? To promote it so it sells!
If you honestly believe that all "true" BM bands don't wanna sell lots of albums, then you are truly beyond me ever being able to convince you of anything.
Also, I will never meet any of you. Do you really think it matters to say stuff like "You suck"?
Do you actually think that when I here that, I am hurt?
Try coming back with an argumentative point instead of misspelled gibberish and lame insults.
One more thing, for my mention to the JI post, I didn't say he was connected.
"(it wouldn't surprise me if he was a member of JI)"
Do you see the parenthesis showing that it isn't connected to the main subject matter? When do I say that he WAS connected. The member on this site known as Judas Iscariot was just an EXAMPLE of a idiotic, CoF jealous, BM fan.
Malpharific, if you respond, try to get the point first of what I am saying...........
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-03-03, 22:03
Senior Metalhead
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i know that the judas iscariot was just a reference. And i am just saying that it is a stupid reference. I have that right :P
The fact that a fan of judas iscariot or a judas iscariot member says shit about COF, is very far from being jealous, because Judas Iscariot have already proved to be a great BM band. So, your example sucks.
Hail Death!

2003-03-03, 22:14
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I could just start crying right now..............
Why is this so hard?
Ok, I'll break it down............
The metaltabs member known as Judas Iscariot came on and made a thread bitching, yes bitching, how Dimmu and CoF were sell outs, and that they sucked, they weren't "true", etc. He provided know real examples for selling out except that they were popular. He belives that all the members of Dimmu were multi-millionaires (9 golden Hummers, was it?).
He was an E-X-A-M-P-L-E of a little whiny BM fan who was pissed and CoF for being popular.
He wasn't the only dumbass to feel this way "Black metal isn't supposed to be popular"
Im not talking about Judas Iscariot's (the band) popularity or talent............
Do we understand now? My instinct says no............
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-03-03, 22:20
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YES! i understand that you are not talking about the band!.... But i agree with that guy... and i don't see how that makes me jealous!
Besides, you said that the fact that he uses a nick of a band that is not known matters. Well... JI is a great BM band.... so.... what you said doesn't make any sense!
Hail Death!

2003-03-03, 22:23
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damm it! i don't care about that fucking COD discussion.
ALL that i am saying is that Judas Iscariot is a band that already achieve something in the BM scene. So it doens't make sense to say: "He wich they were like COF!"
Hail Death!

2003-03-03, 22:26
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Clearly, I have to number my questions so that you will understand...
1. Explain how CoF sold out. Dont say any stupid shit. You know what I am talking about.
2. JI the metaltabs person, was clearly a bitchy BM fan. Can you explain otherwise?
3. I don't give two shits about JI that band. I dont care about anything you have to say about them.
4. Black metal isn't supposed to be popular (Popular BM makes that band a sell-out, no matter what). Try and explain that one. Try and explain how you honestly believe that no BM bands wanna sell lots of albums.
Bonus Question!
5. Explain how saying lame insults over a forum is supposed to have any effect on anyone.
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-03-03, 22:34
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I know you don't care about JI! ...but the fact that JI are what they are matters because you made an example out of them! you said something that isn't true! I just wanted to clarify that(judas is not a band that is still fighting for recognization)!
COF..... I like some of there first works. I don't care if Dani loves what he is doing right know... i don't like it.
So i guess i am not saying that they have sold out! ....But there sound is defenenatly more commercial.
I understand why the JI guy down't like COF.... maybe it's because he is a little bitch .....but it is not because he likes or he is in a band that is "small"
Understand my point?????
Hail Death!

2003-03-03, 22:42
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Trust me, if the band, JI, wants to continue to have a growing career, then they are looking for more recognition and more fans. All bands that want more fans. Why wouldn't they?
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-03-04, 00:10
Originally posted by Gigantic Penis
Trust me, if the band, JI, wants to continue to have a growing career
hmmmm ...well there's no more Judas Iscariot ... I don't know the word as it was only one dude so I can't say disbanded ... but hey same shit you get it.
but Akhenaten is in many more bands ... like Weltmacht and Sarcophagus

2003-03-04, 01:28
black metal really isnt ment to be popular, i mean your not going to see black metal fetured in a ad, or a movie. its just about music, not about record sales. Come on most black metal bands limit their releases too (for some bands at most 1000 copies) there not in it to make a tripple platnum album for fucks sake. you make it seem alot of ppl LOVE black metal, but in the grand scheme of things its fan base is very low. that is why when bands like CoF and Dimmu start doing world tours every year and start making cds like a demon they are considered sellouts. although i consider CoF and Dimmu sellouts becasue they couldnt stick to what they were great with. they had to fuck around with their music. i do like some of the newer Dimmu, but its not as great as their older anti-christian songs.

2003-03-04, 01:38
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You can't blame them for being popular. Every genre is goiung to have a popular band that more people know of. I would almost bet that more people have heard of "Cradle of Filth" than they have heard of "Black Metal". I thnik that is a real accomplishment for them.
look, what do people (even those not big on the metal scene) when they think of:
If you consider a style change to mean a sell out, then like 80% or more metal bands have sold out. Is it that hard to believe that these bands actually like making this type of music?
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-03-04, 01:43
i dont think musicians should be chained to one style of music, but bands are. if you want to change styles change you god damn name. cuz i dont want to pick up a cd and find out its nothing like what im use to listening to from a said band. if they would just make a new band with the same ppl and play differently it would be alot better, and they would not be considered "sell outs"

2003-03-04, 02:22
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You can't expect a band to change names every time they wanna do something different. So Theatre of Tragedy should have had 3 different names?
A bands is more than just a genre of music........
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2003-03-06, 03:13
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Deep in the belly of the beast
Posts: 35
marduks the only bm band i dig, everything else is just non-motivating, bland, "creepy" noise
Movements in the dark
Constrict the thoughts of cognition,
Weve drifted into an abyss of dire blindness,
Theres no turning back,
The mirror casts the reflection black,
The pain lets me know Im not dead yet...

2003-03-06, 15:13
Join Date: Jul 2002
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no order...
4)Mayhem (old)
5)Carpathian Forest
...there are MANY others

2003-03-06, 20:16
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Iberia
Posts: 137
Black Metal Elite!
Dark Funeral
and allmighty Bathory and Venom. 
The Count Nosferatu Kommando exclusively supports total annihilation of human values , we piss on your hopes. We crush the dream of heaven. Kommando Sechsundneungzig , Ultra-Violence Über Alles.

2003-03-06, 20:22
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Originally posted by kObwEb
marduks the only bm band i dig, everything else is just non-motivating, bland, "creepy" noise
....if u say so
Hail Death!

2003-03-09, 15:23
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: The Netherlands
Posts: 1,596
Originally posted by Lord Malphas
hmmmm ....dude Judas Iscariot is one of the greatest American Black Metal bands so don't say shit if you know nothing.
I wouldn´t go so far, but they are really known... but you do have a point GP...
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-03-09, 18:21
Forum Daemon
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Posts: 4,982
Everyone needs to shut up about Judas Iscariot. This is not a thread to debate Judas Iscariot, especially trivial things. One person said they arent as well known as COF, which is true, and the other person comes back saying "they're great." That's meaningless. Just shut up, everybody, and list the bands like the guy who made the thread asked. If you want to make nonsense, back and forth arguments in which no one listens to anyone else, do it in an RTT or make a 'Judas Iscariot isnt as popular but is still better than Cradle of Filth' thread or whatever. Here, just respect the man who made the thread. And since he asked if Cradle of Filth sold out, say what you want on that. But just say your peace and go on. He asked for opinions, not debate. Debate can go on elsewhere.

2003-03-10, 03:20
your a fast one arn't you. i thought this thread died days ago.... 

2003-03-10, 03:45
Forum Daemon
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Posts: 4,982
a) I just got back.
b) It said it was a new thread.
c) I'm making a point. It's applicable to every thread in this, or any, forum. Stay on fucking topic or get deleted. Bicker stupidly over tangential points and get deleted. Personal attacks = deleted. Everyone got that?
Also, now that I look at it, someone posted three hours before me. Three hours is not 'days ago.'
Last edited by PST 88 : 2003-03-10 at 03:53.

2003-03-20, 20:56
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: leamington-spa , uk
Posts: 23
in any order
Carpathian Forest
Anaal Nathrakh
ok thats a few more than 5 , 
The Son Of Northern Darkness

2003-03-21, 00:56
I made this thread weeks ago...I thought it died as well.
What does Judas Iscariot sound like, I always hear that name, but Ive
never heard them. And yes, of course its alright to post more than 5 black
metal bands, post as many as you want, the more black metal the better!

2003-03-21, 02:44
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 168
Originally posted by PST 88
a) I just got back.
b) It said it was a new thread.
c) I'm making a point. It's applicable to every thread in this, or any, forum. Stay on fucking topic or get deleted. Bicker stupidly over tangential points and get deleted. Personal attacks = deleted. Everyone got that?
Also, now that I look at it, someone posted three hours before me. Three hours is not 'days ago.'
I'm not bitching at you or anything, but you said stay on topic and i don't think you posted you fave BM bands!!
Anywya here are mine:
Naglfar - there new album Sheol fucking rules, more black then their older stuff!!
Darkthrone - there new one rules!!
Mystic Circle
Aurora Borealis
Immortal Souls
Maze of Torment
There are more but i can't list them all

2003-03-21, 21:58
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Thessaloniki,greece
Posts: 1,175
The songs I've heard from Judas Iscariot
were like Darkthrone in Transylvanian Hunger and
Favorite BlackMetal bands:
Arkhon Infaustus
Rotting Christ
Arcturus(Though not Black Metal now)
Ulver(same as above)
Limbonic Art
Impaled Nazarene
That's alot more than 5 but you said it's allright
Burnin' and a-lootin' tonight
burnin' all pollution tonight
burnin' all illusion tonight

Last edited by HELLBLASTER-666 : 2003-03-24 at 00:21.

2003-03-24, 14:53
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: pretty damn close to Cephalic Carnage.
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Originally posted by PST 88
Everyone needs to shut up about Judas Iscariot. This is not a thread to debate Judas Iscariot, especially trivial things. One person said they arent as well known as COF, which is true, and the other person comes back saying "they're great." That's meaningless. Just shut up, everybody, and list the bands like the guy who made the thread asked. If you want to make nonsense, back and forth arguments in which no one listens to anyone else, do it in an RTT or make a 'Judas Iscariot isnt as popular but is still better than Cradle of Filth' thread or whatever. Here, just respect the man who made the thread. And since he asked if Cradle of Filth sold out, say what you want on that. But just say your peace and go on. He asked for opinions, not debate. Debate can go on elsewhere.
and you're not debating? I could see why you would step in if they were talking about a tv show or something WAY off topic...
...I'd also say that Merciful Fate is a good 'old school' black metal bands, but a lot of people don't consider them black metal... 
Last edited by metal=life : 2003-03-24 at 15:01.

2003-03-26, 09:41
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like myself...
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-03-30, 21:49
New Blood
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ALL CRADLE FROM MIDIAN AND BACK RULES THERE NEW STUFF SOUNDS LIKE SHIT, IF I SAW DANI ID FUCKING SMACK HIM FOR MAKING THIS NEW BULLSHIT and i dont remember who posted it , but how the fuck does being "anti-christian" make some black metal bands good ive heard some "anti-christian" black metal bands and they fucking sucked. then ive heard some black metal bands that dont even mention hating christians and they kicked major ass.. me myself i am christian im dark but i still think black metal rules and i play it all the time with my friends... im not trying to get into a religous arguement but i just wanted to state that


2003-03-31, 00:58
Forum Daemon
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Eternal_Sorrow: I'm a moderator. Everything I say to keep you folks in line is on topic. As a non-fan of black metal, I wouldnt post in here if you werent being stupid. Pointing out that I didnt list my favorite bands is just going to get me to randomly delete your posts. The End.
metal=life: I'm not debating anything. Get a dictionary and look up the word 'debate.' What I was doing was 'chastising.' There's a difference, that's why they have different words for them. I had to come in because the arguing was becoming malicious, and there's no room anywhere for malicious bickering. Bicker and I'll shut you down.
I shouldnt have to explain my point again and again. Next person to respond with anything but their favorite bands and/or an opinion on whether or not Cradle of Filth sold out gets deleted. Argument = deleted. Saying something to me = deleted. Does everyone follow?

2003-03-31, 04:26
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 168
Originally posted by PST 88
Eternal_Sorrow: I'm a moderator. Everything I say to keep you folks in line is on topic. As a non-fan of black metal, I wouldnt post in here if you werent being stupid. Pointing out that I didnt list my favorite bands is just going to get me to randomly delete your posts. The End.
metal=life: I'm not debating anything. Get a dictionary and look up the word 'debate.' What I was doing was 'chastising.' There's a difference, that's why they have different words for them. I had to come in because the arguing was becoming malicious, and there's no room anywhere for malicious bickering. Bicker and I'll shut you down.
I shouldnt have to explain my point again and again. Next person to respond with anything but their favorite bands and/or an opinion on whether or not Cradle of Filth sold out gets deleted. Argument = deleted. Saying something to me = deleted. Does everyone follow?
Hey PST i know this is prob going to get deleated but man i didn't know you were a moderater O.K. so i apologize for any inapropriate comments i made.
and here are a few more black bands i didn't list!!
cryptic wintermoon
enslavement of beauty

2003-03-31, 15:06
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Originally posted by PST 88
Eternal_Sorrow: I'm a moderator. Everything I say to keep you folks in line is on topic. As a non-fan of black metal, I wouldnt post in here if you werent being stupid. Pointing out that I didnt list my favorite bands is just going to get me to randomly delete your posts. The End.
metal=life: I'm not debating anything. Get a dictionary and look up the word 'debate.' What I was doing was 'chastising.' There's a difference, that's why they have different words for them. I had to come in because the arguing was becoming malicious, and there's no room anywhere for malicious bickering. Bicker and I'll shut you down.
I shouldnt have to explain my point again and again. Next person to respond with anything but their favorite bands and/or an opinion on whether or not Cradle of Filth sold out gets deleted. Argument = deleted. Saying something to me = deleted. Does everyone follow?
Why do you have to drain all the fun out of things? This forum shouldn't be so damn strict...
I'm going to add Eminenz to my list of bands. They sound pretty good but have a shitty name. 

2003-12-10, 20:50
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PST = Douche
1.) Dissection
2.) Dark Funeral
3.) Marduk
4.) Immortal
5.) Darkthrone
CoF are BM. Their new cd is horrible, to be quite honest with you, and borders on very un BM. But that doesnt mean that they werent. CoF was the band that got me into black metal. Stop bickering about 'dey rnt blak metul' and stupid menial shit like that. The post says what is your favorite black metal band; not bitch about bands that used to be BM, etc etc.
Fucking hell.

2003-12-10, 21:00
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Dark Funeral
I need to get more Black Metal lol.
Rush 30th Anniversary Tour 0wns y0u!


2003-12-10, 21:05
Britney Spear's Pimp
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Get a life.... RIGHT NOW!!!!!

2003-12-10, 21:35
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Yes, absu is BM. wow, no one DID say enslaved.
I saw this post when i was looking for Bathory, and decided to put my thoughts in.
I forgot Satyricon. but i havent really heard enough of their material to really have a great opinion on them. But they are better then Emperor..

2003-12-10, 23:08
Join Date: Jul 2002
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You fucking idiot, ABSU are not Black Metal, they're Thrash. They say so themselves in several interviews.

2003-12-11, 01:52
El Diablo sin pantalones
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hmm... only bm i actualy know is CoF and Dimmu... i would like to listen to other bands, but i don't know wich ones i should begin with... i think i should try the favourites listed here, but when it comes to bm i'm a bit shy, since lots of bm bands seem to be nsbm (and since you can hardly make out what grunting singers say, i might be listening to some band for months and at the same time at actualy be some facist pigs  )
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2003-12-11, 05:48
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Posts: 220
Hey, have you seen the way Absu dress? They look about as black as it gets. Pity they ain't much good.
1. Satyricon (all o' their stuff is great, but they've changed a lot - early stuff for 'true' BM freaks, the newer stuff is more for psychotic rock & rollers)
2. CoF - From 'The Principal...' through to 'Midian' they hosed all their competition & cut up some fine tunes
3. Emperor
4. Limbonic Art (really an equal third with Emperor ust because of their cool song intros)
5. Hmmm, dunno, maybe Impaled Nazarene just because they're complete cunts & really, really funny because of it.
BTW: I don't personally think CoF have 'sold out' but they certainly sound a shitload different to what they did originally. I think it's basically a case of Dani realising that he can get away with more or less any type of fucked up experimentation because he's actually got a fan base. However, after Midian, CoF have begun to SUCK in an enormous fashion, their music is trite & horrible & Dani is a complete sack of shit & loves himself way too much (I met him when they played in Melbourne for the 'Dusk' tour).
Black metal fucking owns!

2003-12-12, 10:18
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I havent listened to much absu. i saw one of their MP3s under the black metal section of a website. Havent heard anything from them. (*assumed*)
And the poster above me hit the nail on the head about CoF. Now shut up about it. 

2003-12-12, 10:45
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Originally posted by Spikyhairz
hmm... only bm i actualy know is CoF and Dimmu... i would like to listen to other bands, but i don't know wich ones i should begin with... i think i should try the favourites listed here, but when it comes to bm i'm a bit shy, since lots of bm bands seem to be nsbm (and since you can hardly make out what grunting singers say, i might be listening to some band for months and at the same time at actualy be some facist pigs )
dude Cof & Dimmu arent black metal
wearing corpse paint/make-up and incorporating keyboards doesnt make a band black metal
early dimmu can be classified as black, but the current direction...definitely NOT !!!
if you want to get into black metal, check these bands out...
Limbonic Art
Melechesh (thats kinda death-black)
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2003-12-12, 18:48
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Genres are lame im not gonna even type what "Black Metal" bands i like cause there prob not even "Black Metal"
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-12-14, 13:35
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Corroded, old CoF and old Dimmu were. go listen to "Principle of Evil Made Flesh" and "Dusk...and her embrace" from Cradle. Then get back to us on that one, chief.

2003-12-14, 15:56
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 6
Cradle and Dimmu Boring are NOT sell outs, u may be asking why, if the sell a lot od cd's, the answer is cuz they have never been BLACK METAL AT ALL.
Black metal isn't about some fucking gay vampires, or some fucking gohtic romance and so, i have friends that love COF, I respect that, but they sure know they are not black metal, they are just some fucking POSERS!!!!!.
Come'n they not even use "corpse paint" and that is not FUCKING CORPSE PAINT, they are not fucking gothics! it is WAR PAINT!!!!!!!! Black metal is WAR and HATE, not castles and stuff, for that is the fucking gothic metal.
Some REAL black metal bands are:
Kult ov Azazel
Judas Iscariot
Immortal (old)
Maniac Butcher
Hear those bands and u will see the have NOTHING to be with cradle of shit and dimmu boring, they are totally different, REAl black metal.

2003-12-14, 18:23
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Chicago
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Those black metal bands should tour with ICP then they could paint each others faces!!!
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-12-15, 10:54
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Location: the putrefying road in the nineteenth extremity
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Originally posted by The True Dissection
Corroded, old CoF and old Dimmu were. go listen to "Principle of Evil Made Flesh" and "Dusk...and her embrace" from Cradle. Then get back to us on that one, chief.
dude...read my post again...i HAVE mentioned early dimmu can be considered black.
and i have heard dusk & principle 
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2003-12-15, 10:56
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Originally posted by Chaos
Cradle and Dimmu Boring are NOT sell outs, u may be asking why, if the sell a lot od cd's, the answer is cuz they have never been BLACK METAL AT ALL.
Black metal isn't about some fucking gay vampires, or some fucking gohtic romance and so, i have friends that love COF, I respect that, but they sure know they are not black metal, they are just some fucking POSERS!!!!!.
Come'n they not even use "corpse paint" and that is not FUCKING CORPSE PAINT, they are not fucking gothics! it is WAR PAINT!!!!!!!! Black metal is WAR and HATE, not castles and stuff, for that is the fucking gothic metal.
Some REAL black metal bands are:
Kult ov Azazel
Judas Iscariot
Immortal (old)
Maniac Butcher
Hear those bands and u will see the have NOTHING to be with cradle of shit and dimmu boring, they are totally different, REAl black metal.
you said it 
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2003-12-16, 10:53
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One question, chaos:
Why did you say "immortal(old)" when refering to what is bm? New immortal is just as grim and frostbitten as it ever was.
That confuses me.
and Sorry, Corroded. I must have read you post wrong.

2003-12-17, 19:28
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 6
Immortal are sell Outs, you can hear their first records, and the last ones, and you will se a great difference, they only made those last albums fur fucking money.

2003-12-17, 23:49
Join Date: Jul 2003
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yeh im sure they made millions off of Damned in Black that must be why they havent release an album in so long, Because there rich now!
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-12-18, 10:22
bugfucker strikes back.
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what BLS said. You are fucking stupid, chaos. I bet you cant even define sell out.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2003-12-18, 14:10
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 6
U didnt get the fucking point.
Is not that they sell a lot a Damned In Black albums or so, is that they did not made the album for the music, just to make some fucking money, just like Bruce Dickinson with Iron Maiden, he's only in the band for the fucking money, not for the music.
I'm noy saying Immortal makes a lot of money, like Dimmu, and dimmu are not millionares, but they can live ver VER WELL, with their music, and that is not the black metal spirit.
I guess someone that is not in the underground scene of the black metal, cannot understand this.
Excuse for my bad English, It is not my first language.

2003-12-18, 14:43
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I've been into underground metal for years and you are an idiot

2003-12-18, 18:15
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 6
I've been into underground metal for years and you are an idiot
Yeah yeah, and your favourite bands show that XDXDXDXD.
Any TRUE black metal head, would NEVER say burzum and satyricon are his favourite bands, that shows that you really know nothingh about black metal.
I'bet you can't list here 3 underground (not invented) bands of black metal of the EEUU.
I can list you 3 easly here:
Averse Sefira

2003-12-18, 18:27
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 387
Originally posted by The True Dissection
One question, chaos:
Why did you say "immortal(old)" when refering to what is bm? New immortal is just as grim and frostbitten as it ever was.
Yeah.. the last album from Immortal is realy good.
And to those who say only old Immortal is blackmetal, I can tell that Immortal were not considered to be BM 10 years ago...only metal with satanic influences 
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2003-12-19, 01:57
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Dimmu cant live VERY WEEL, hell not even big names like slayer make the kind of money you would imagine. Theres not much money in non-ommercial music exspecially metal. And who cares if they "sell out" if they make good music and become popualr because they write catchy riffs than w/e. Chaos, I have a feeling you try to hard to be a "Metal Head"
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2003-12-19, 14:25
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 6
I read that about Dimmu in an interview to Silenoz, they said that they made enough money to live laike any person in their country and have cars and so...
iF you read carefully what I posted you'll see that im not against they making money, it is perfectly normal that they sell cd's if they are good musicians, but when they just sell an image of bad boys, and lost the spirit of black metal because they wnat to reach more audience, they are to me, sell outs.

2003-12-19, 14:34
New Blood
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1.Anorexia Nervosa
3.Dimmu Borgir
I read the whole thread, and nowhere i saw Anorexia Nervosa
Don't you know this band or don't you like it???
I think it's the greatest symphonic black metal band i ever heard
You'll come to your end, Tortured till death, Burned alive, At the stake you will die

2003-12-23, 16:47
Join Date: Jul 2002
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if you call mithotyn black metal I will call you gay
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-12-23, 21:17
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Norway
Posts: 1
Dimmu Borgir with their norwegian lyrics! Thats the best! Probably not that great for you people from USA.. 

2003-12-24, 06:23
Senior Metalhead
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I'm not HUGE with Black Metal, but I have a few Dimmu's and Immortal's laying around.
But I have a couple of questions.
I've heard Satyricon associated with Black Metal a lot.
First, are they black metal?
Second, are they any good?
I downloaded a song and its really bad quality but I've heard everything from "Really good" to "Really bad" about them. Could anyone give me a little insight about them?
Answers? Opinions?
I used to come here a lot.

2003-12-24, 06:27
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Satyricon are fucking techno now.

2003-12-24, 13:40
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Dont listen to M=L. He cant lift his head out of a bong long enough to know what good is.
Satyricon are infinately better than Emperor... ugh...emperor... Their only good song (off hand) is Curse you all Men. Prometheus isnt BAD... but it was a disappointment after spending money on it..
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2003-12-25, 00:10
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: pretty damn close to Cephalic Carnage.
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So you're saying Satyricon arn't techno now?
old satyricon: decent
new satyricon: techno
And saying Satyricon are better than Emperor is your own worthless opinion.

2003-12-26, 08:17
New Blood
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Belgium - Roeselare
Posts: 9
Originally posted by sanderinos
if you call mithotyn black metal I will call you gay
how would you call it then?
i think it's viking/black metal...
songs like the legacy are black 
You'll come to your end, Tortured till death, Burned alive, At the stake you will die

2003-12-26, 08:35
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Originally posted by misanthropic_sheep
how would you call it then?
i think it's viking/black metal...
songs like the legacy are black
Usually Viking metal is in the same feild as black metal, but sometime leaves it, such as Einherjer - Odin Owns Ye All.

2003-12-26, 22:05
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Märsta, Stockholm, Sweden
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Well, I don't call Naglfar too much black either...
But anyways - check up Lord Belial, Misericordia, Dawn,
Satyricon (until 97, Nemesis Divina), Avenger, Immortal
and you will probably fall in to the wonderland of BM... 

2004-01-14, 11:06
New Blood
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Norway
Posts: 6
My favourite black metal bands are:
Judas Iscariot

2004-01-14, 11:17
New Blood
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Norway
Posts: 6
Originally Posted by Mr. Norway
Dimmu Borgir with their norwegian lyrics! Thats the best! Probably not that great for you people from USA.. 
OH COME ON!! For fucks sake!! Those lyrics SUCK! They are so god damn immature. How old are you? 14?
To think those lyrics are cool you have to be least 13 years old. Not a fucking day older.
-"Miss" Norway.

2004-01-15, 02:43
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 8
I don't really have a favorite Black Metal band... I like too many.
Mork Gryning
Trollheims Grott
Dimmu Borgir
Dark Funeral

2004-01-18, 02:29
New Blood
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 33
i wouldent call bathory true BM, there first stuff was black up untill hammerheart, then they started to sound viking...blood on ice, you call that BM?!? anyway heres my list,
dimmu borgir
forgotten woods
Judas Iscariot
dark funeral

2004-01-18, 04:11
Lo, they do call to me...
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: virginia beach, VA
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1-Dimmu Borgir
2-Old Mans Child
3-Amon Amarth (are they black metal, they rock all the same if they arent)
4-old CoF (i still love them, even though they signed to sony)
5-Rotting Christ
i also would like to add that labels arent necassary, ITS ALL FUCKING METAL, labels are childish
Too grim to function
Last edited by MoonRaven : 2004-01-18 at 04:17.

2004-01-18, 04:31
Senior Metalhead
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Amon Amarth black metal... 
Rush 30th Anniversary Tour 0wns y0u!


2004-01-19, 12:01
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: The Netherlands
Posts: 1,596
Originally Posted by misanthropic_sheep
how would you call it then?
i think it's viking/black metal...
songs like the legacy are black 
Mithotyn is viking metal indeed, that can be hard/loud/whatever. But it ain't black at all!
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