2003-03-02, 17:33
New Blood
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada
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3 Favorite Guitars
I was wondering what your 3 favorite guitars are. If you have more than three....what the heck put em all down. They dont have to be ones you own. Mine are,
Ibanez RG7421XL
LTD F-200
B.C. Rich Warlock
B.C. Rich Kerry King Signature Jr. V
Some Jackson guitar....its a seven string and a flying V

Smash Your Enemies
Last edited by Torture Killer : 2003-03-04 at 22:37.

2003-03-02, 18:17
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 387
I like Fender Stratocaster
Mabe a litle old fashion, but it's a good allround guitar. And it does not have the
nu-metal look as the standard ibanez has
I got one myself 
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2003-03-02, 18:52
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: the hellish pits of your worst nightmares
Posts: 234
i hate fenders dam it
my 3 fav r
b.c rich mockingbird
any ibanez (cant think of one now)
gone but never forgotten

2003-03-02, 19:30
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 2,931
jackson slsmg
gibson iommi sig sg
bc rich virgin

2003-03-02, 19:39
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 835
LTD H302
Jackson KV2 King V
Jackson DX10D Dinky
Basicly any of james hetfield's explorers, especially the ken lawrence mahogany body with the kickass headstock
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-03-02, 19:41
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: the hellish pits of your worst nightmares
Posts: 234
i agree with weijia the virgin is nice but i prefer the mockingbird and the ignitor
gone but never forgotten

2003-03-02, 19:45
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: pretty damn close to Cephalic Carnage.
Posts: 3,648
Jackson Soloist 1 with an EMG 81 on the bridge
B.C. Rich Warlock American Handcrafted with EMG's
Taylor acoustics with Sunrise pickups
Last edited by metal=life : 2003-03-05 at 20:11.

2006-12-03, 23:11
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 60
bc rich kerry king signature junior v.
bc rich bronze warlock

2006-12-03, 23:17
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,924
Gt - never actually played this guitar but i did get to play a guitar that is extemely close to it and it fucking rocked. The fucking paint job on this beauty is awesome
Ibanez - I like alot of stuff ibanez puts out.
Gibson - Cant think of the exact brand but it looks just like the GT except for the pain job.
“Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends.” ~Rusty Cooley

2006-12-03, 23:45
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Toronto
Posts: 1,280
Well my favourite would probably be a custom guitar that I haven't designed yet.
But here is my list so far
1.) Ibanez Jem
2.) B.C. Rich Stealth
3.) Doyle's Misfits Guitar
Runners Up:
B.C. Rich Ironbird
Jackson KV2
B.C. Rich Warlock
B.C. Rich Mockingbird
Ibanez RG
Jackson Rhoads
Gibson SG With Kahler
B.C. Rich Beast
Dean V
"I miss the days when it was acceptable to listen to everything."
-Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P)
Truer words were never spoken.
Last edited by Casketcrusher : 2006-12-12 at 02:58.

2006-12-04, 00:07
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Netherworlds Of The Mind
Posts: 685
#1 : Jackson Kelly KE2
#2 : B.C. Rich Ironbird
#3 : 1971 Fender Custom Telecaster w/ single coil in bridge, humbucker in neck
#4: PRS Custom w/ green flamed maple top [gotta have the Floyd Rose though]
#5: almost any brilliant sounding acoustic... mainly thinking of the giant-bodied Gibson J-200s here
#6: Fernandes Monterey [Gibson Les Paul type guitar with sharper body shape, Floyd-Rose and Sustainer-equipped.]

2006-12-04, 14:34
Metal As Fuck!
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1) Gibson Les Paul Supreme!
2) Ibanez RG Series (with the low profile Wizard neck, and orig. Edge trem)
3) A good ol' Fender Stratocaster
R.I.P. Dimebag
My Music
BuildTheMusic.com is your #1 FREE online guitar resource center.

2006-12-05, 00:03
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Land of Dust
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1)My BC Rich NJ Ironbird with OFR and active EMGs, love it to death. And the rare blue and red quilt top finishes it also comes in. I'd kill for one.
2)My dream axe = custom shop BCR Ironbird with grey quilt top, alder body, ebony board, MOP diamond inlays, bindng, Original floyd rose, black hardware, Custom Dimarzios, alder body and BOLT ON 24 fret XJ 25.5 scale neck(yes, I prefer it over neckthru).
I don't care for Ran much anymore because it's gonna be so expensive by the time I decide to go for a custom that I'd just rather get a REALDEAL BCR Ironbird.
3)My Ibanez Universe UV7BK.
4)Dean Cadillac Black Gold or Tiger Eye finish. Cause I don't like LP's.
5)A BCR Mockingbird Classic. For less metal stuff.
Yeah I'm not much of a Fender duder, I gotta have humbuckers even for non metal shit.
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
(Did you know In Flames had a 2005 album called "Come Clarity"? How prophetic. I think they're trying to tell us all their sperm are dead.)
Last edited by Soeru : 2006-12-05 at 00:06.

2006-12-05, 00:08
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 1,816
1. My eastwood ultra GP --> everything i could ask for, plays like a les paul with a faster neck and higher output... all i have to do is repot it to 500k pots (it has 250k) and it will sing like it should.
2. Schecter Tempest Custom --> again, like a les paul, but prettier, and coil tap installed as standard, pure awesomeness
3. BCR Mockingbird custom/special --> any mockingbird with a carve top, fixed bridge and a lespaul style switch... preferably with coil taps.
Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
In the US "fanny" is a word used to describe the ass or butt. Here in the UK "fanny" is a lady garden (vagina)
I was very bemused as a youngster watching the Golden Girls when Blanche said she was going to "spank her fanny" I had visions of a geriatric vertical bacon sandwich red and bruised from being disciplined!!!

2006-12-09, 18:19
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Laredo, Texas
Posts: 5
1. Ibanez SA160
2. B.C. Rich KKV Signature Series
3. Ibanez Prestige Series (I don't know the model but my friend has it and it feels like buttah)

2006-12-09, 18:45
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: austin tx
Posts: 2,234
^ i see you're from Laredo. that city sucks.......cept for the bbq.
jackson soloist

2006-12-10, 07:35
Join Date: Mar 2004
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Posts: 1,043
in terms of shapes...
explorer shape
superstrat (soloist) shape
warrior (just cuz the explorer shape is so comfortable)
Kramer Imperial (wish mine had a floyd though)
Washburn A-15
Jackson Stealth EX (i've lost my faith in mine...mostly cuz of the overly flexible strings)

2006-12-10, 11:16
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Land of Dust
Posts: 3,551
Why don't you buy urself a floyd Imperial? They're cheap and easy to find.
I had an Imperial too, great cheap gtr, but I sold it cuz I needed $ for a recording thinger, plus I didn't like the matte finish.
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
(Did you know In Flames had a 2005 album called "Come Clarity"? How prophetic. I think they're trying to tell us all their sperm are dead.)

2006-12-10, 12:43
Lo, they do call to me...
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: virginia beach, VA
Posts: 2,209
1 - PRS custom 24, stock, whale blue quilted maple top
2 - fender telecaster, rosewood fingerboard, 24 frets, jb/jazz p/u combo, swamp ash body
3 - my alvarez yairi, 1984, ill post pics when i can get them, love this guitar.
Too grim to function

2006-12-11, 05:29
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Phil Campbell, AL
Posts: 493
From what I've played:
1) Ibanez RG570 (just bc i've had it for years and it fits like a glove to me)
2) RG3120.. damn i wish i could find one!
3) Any of several Jems
Ibanez RG570 (Tone Zone + Air Norton)
Alvarez 75th Anniversary Edition acoustic
Yamaha DG80-112
Line6 PODxt


2006-12-11, 23:21
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Somewhere in NJ
Posts: 26
1) Washburn DD75 Maya Pro
2) Ibanez JEM77V
3) Schecter C-7 Hellraiser

2006-12-11, 23:48
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: USA
Posts: 503
ESP Viper 2005 (guitar I own)
Ibanez RG2550e (guitar I wish I owned)
Jackson Kelly

2006-12-12, 05:39
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 323
I've got a Jackson KVX10 King V. Suits me perfectly

2006-12-12, 06:05
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Originally Posted by Soeru
Why don't you buy urself a floyd Imperial? They're cheap and easy to find.
I had an Imperial too, great cheap gtr, but I sold it cuz I needed $ for a recording thinger, plus I didn't like the matte finish.
cuz i'm fucking left handed you cunt...we left handers don't have the same joys and plethora of decisions you righties do. so fuck off.

2006-12-12, 09:36
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Land of Dust
Posts: 3,551
Originally Posted by rapeandruin
cuz i'm fucking left handed you cunt...we left handers don't have the same joys and plethora of decisions you righties do. so fuck off.
Why don't you pull that cork out of your ass you grumpy douche. I was giving you a kind suggestion. Kramer also made left handed imperials, they show up on ebay every now and then.

Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
(Did you know In Flames had a 2005 album called "Come Clarity"? How prophetic. I think they're trying to tell us all their sperm are dead.)

2006-12-12, 18:16
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Ballater, Scotland, UK.
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Originally Posted by rapeandruin
cuz i'm fucking left handed you cunt...we left handers don't have the same joys and plethora of decisions you righties do. so fuck off.
Hey, I'm lefty too, and I don't bitch. I'm rather happy with the choice for us out there. There is some real quality stuff for us to pick up.
I. Schecter C-7 Blackjack.
II. Nevborn Sleipner XL.
III. Conklin 5 Piece Melted 8-string.
Parker and both Bernie Rico Jr. and Sr. also produce some tasty treats.

2006-12-12, 18:34
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Monterey, CA
Posts: 3,635
have you guys all played these guitars?
i've only played a handful of guitars..don't remember what most of them were honestly(and didn't play them long enough to really get a feel for them)..but i've only owned two guitars, both of which i liked.
a fender strat
and some basic yamaha.


2006-12-12, 22:04
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: United States
Posts: 1,043
Originally Posted by Unanything
Hey, I'm lefty too, and I don't bitch. I'm rather happy with the choice for us out there. There is some real quality stuff for us to pick up.
I. Schecter C-7 Blackjack.
II. Nevborn Sleipner XL.
III. Conklin 5 Piece Melted 8-string.
Parker and both Bernie Rico Jr. and Sr. also produce some tasty treats.
but if you want extreme shapes (i.e. explorer or flying v or even the ML washburn thing) you have to pay top dollar to get one. If you do find one of those they are usually non floyd, non neck thru...neck thru isn't the most important thing but I hate thinking of paying 1000 bucks for an explorer with a floyd on it. whatever.

2006-12-12, 22:21
Supreme Metalhead
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Posts: 771
Fender strat.
Gibson Firebird.
Ibanez RG can't remember the model but it had a Maple Fretboard.

2006-12-13, 03:55
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Emory, Texas
Posts: 1,280
1. Just about any RR
2. Dave Mustaine ESP's
3. Ibanez RG's
Those are the three best playing guitars i've ever played, also just happen to be my favorites.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Man oh man I'm in the mood for some meat right about now, so much so that I don't even care how implicitly gay this sentence is.

2006-12-13, 04:51
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Netherworlds Of The Mind
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Originally Posted by xgrafcorex
have you guys all played these guitars?
No, we guitarists are the most materialistic buggers on the planet. We want guitars we don't own. When we finally do try them, we want them more. Then after getting them, we move on to the next one that appeals to us. We do this until we get broke or someone forces us to sell them off. Fancy paint jobs and/or hardware don't help with our 'selection' process either.
I dunno about other guys, but I have played most of the guitars I listed hence the desire to own one. Especially a KE2. Dammit.

2006-12-19, 23:15
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 98
1.Any prs
2.jackson rhodes
3.ibanez jem
CannibalXampire is this better? or do you need more unnecessary rants to comply your stupid needs.

2006-12-23, 17:58
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 5
fender strat with hot rails in bridge
Jackson RR-1
Prs custom 24 wide and thin neck

2006-12-27, 00:52
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 140
1.any jackson
2. dave mustaine esp
3 any dean desinged by dimebag

2006-12-27, 05:22
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Sydney, Aus
Posts: 2,037
Old ass thread.
1. Ibanez RG1527
2. Ibanez RG1570
3. Agile Interceptor

2006-12-28, 18:08
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Linlithgow, Scotland (UK)
Posts: 36
My favourite guitars....
ESP EC 500 (guitar that I own and the nicest guitar I've ever played)
BC Rich flying V (with EMGs - eg. the guitar used by Pat O'brien)
Jeff Hanneman sig. (with Kahler 2315 trem)
<I see Hell Awaits.....>

2007-01-02, 02:03
New Blood
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: really
Posts: 11
My 2 favorites are :
Fender Talon V
Fender HM Strat
Last edited by Heartfielder : 2007-01-07 at 17:47.

2007-01-10, 05:34
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 89
I'm loving my Ibenez RG120 I just bought.
The neck is flat in the back instead of completely rounded, 24 frets, whammy bar (non-locking, but doesn't go out of tuning very easily, even after dive bombs).
Ibanez RG120
Last edited by guest : 2007-01-10 at 05:37.

2007-01-10, 06:15
The Mountie From Hell
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Location: Halifax N.S. Canada
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USA made Jacksons top the list. (Warrior, King V, Kelly, Roads, Soloist.)
Any RG with an Original edge bridge... on that note, has anyone heard or know if the edge III bridges are any good, or total shit like the edge II's?
Washburn dimes are really nice if you mod them a bit.
Ibanez S series, for that slim body Mmmmmm...
Hammer Scarab
BC rich NJ's from the 80's (bro has an iron bird from time period, and its nice)
I really want to try some jems out, never did. But i find that ESP's are not all that they are cracked up to be. Though Schecter has a few guitars i do like.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2007-01-10, 12:54
New Blood
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 5
Dean FBD
Washburn Slimdime
Fender Talon's

2007-01-13, 04:27
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Hickland
Posts: 13
Dean ML
B.C. Rich Kerry King V (I hate B.C. Rich's but I love that guitar)
A beat up old Fender Telecaster...I love beat up old Fenders.
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