2003-02-11, 02:18
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 247
I listen to alot of doom and used to wonder the same thing.. and here's what I found out from alot of people.. There is no real replacement for a Matamp.. weither it be a Green, Orange or Red.. They have a very distinct sound and it's hard to match that.. You can get close with a Laney.. But you won't get that exact sound that every stoner/doom metal band has.. The fact that you have an SG helps you alot since that's what alot of them use.. Matamps are ungodly expensive but if you're going to get into a doom/stoner type band.. and really want the sound.. get higher gauge strings and get a Matamp.. And downtune.. that's really, in my eyes, the only choice.. I'm in the process of getting an Orange right now.. But in the end it's up to you..
I've got more presence than attendance in a class of schitzophrenics, here here.