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Old 2009-01-20, 15:52
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 65
Metronome mp3 tracks

Ok guys, because i don't have a PC in my room, or a portable metronome, i found this website where i can download the click tracks at different tempos so i can have a metronome on my mp3 player buy just pluging it into the speakers in my room.

This is where the tracks are if anyone wishs to do the same. Now the reason why i posted this is because this site only has 4/4 click tracks. I was wondering if anyone knew another site which would allow me to download tracks in 3/4 and 6/8 time sigs. I really want to practice my sweeps with a metronome and they don't seem to fit the 4/4 time sig and when i practice with guitar pro with the 3/4 time sig they fit.

Having these metronome tracks on my mp3 would really help me out. Anyone any ideas???

Cheers lads... and ladies
Early 80's Bay Area Thrash =

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