2009-01-20, 04:01
Supreme Metalhead
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Som cab related questions.
Hello mates, I have some random ass cab related questions that have popped into my head as i have been paying closer attention to amp related gear.
There are many questions here so if you only know the answer to one or few of them dont hesitate just to answer those select few.
1. What are the advantages of having a 2x12 as opposed to a 4x12? Also the Marshall 4x10.
2. I hear open back cabs are better for cleans, is that there true purpose? Are there any other benefits?
3. So would a closed 2x12 and an open 2x12 pair be a good idea for someone who does a lot of different styles?
4. What is the significance to the watt ratings on cabs? the mesa over sized is rated at 280, and the Vader 4x12 is rated at 480. Does this mean the Vader is a better/louder cab?
5. Is there a difference between the slant cabs and the straight cabs in the over all sound or presence?
6. stacking wise u can stack 2 straight cabs but not two slant cabs? and u can set a slant cab on top of a straight cab correct?
7. so if i had a head that put out 8 ohm i would connect it to a port in the cab that says 8 ohm? Because my head says 8ohm but my cab has 4 ohm and 16 ohm.
8. I'm looking for a price on a new Vader cab CANT FIND ONE. Any know what they go for?
9. I'm looking maybe between a Marshall 1960, Vader, Avatar, and Mesa Recto Cab, which would u prefer? I think it will be ran out of an ENGL PB
10. I was just a concert were the line up was as follows: Born of Osiris, Impending Doom, Emure(ugh), and unearth. The first band used Randall tube heads and there guitars weren't so easily heard, the next band used the very same cabs except they used 6506/mesa heads and they could be heard much easier. Then when the next two bands came on stage they cleared the two Vader full stack cabs and brought 4 mesa cabs each (not recto cabs), the first band to use those were also using 6505s and they could be heard easily also. Then, unearth came on and used the same cabs but Emil Werstler (from Daath filled in for Buzz Mcgrath) was using some weird old looking amp I couldn't tell what Ken Susi was using, but they couldn't be hear very well either. also note that i was in the very front the whole show.
Now the two bands that could be heard both have like banners covering there cabs. I was wondering if it could have been there heads or them covering there amp?

2009-01-20, 23:11
New Blood
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2009-01-21, 02:55
Supreme Metalhead
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Ah thanx, I looked there before posting this but i didn't even notice the price lol/

2009-01-21, 03:56
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i got the vader 2x12 as well as a marshall 4x12, i dig the vader more, has more definition for faster muted stuff.
4- you want the watt rating to be able to take your head, for example you wouldnt want a 100w head into a 50w cab itll blow the speakers (never seen a 50w cab but you get the idea) i think alot of times they put more so you cant blow the speakers, also alot of cabs you could put two heads into one cab so you want a higher wattage to accommodate that
5-ive been told for marshall that the straight cabs have more bass than slant
6 i guess you could, i wouldnt just cause a slant cab on bottom doesnt have the size to support the top cab (cause it angles in)
7-ideally you want the same ohms if thats not possible the next best thing is to have more ohms in your cab so 8ohm from your head to 16 ohms in the cab
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2009-01-21, 15:12
Supreme Metalhead
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 Thank you kitty.
EDIT: I meant slant on top.
Last edited by Arsis : 2009-01-22 at 05:32.

2009-01-24, 23:29
Join Date: Dec 2004
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1. 2x12 weighs less, but has less bass than 4x12. 4x10 has less bass more high end. No advantages, just different feels.
2. Open back has less focus, less bass, and spreads the sound better. Cleans sound clearer with less bass. But with distortion this makes your attack very loose and flubby. If you're plyaing metal, get a closed back.
3. Sure. Why not.
4. Wattage ratings of cabs tells you how much current the speakers inside can handle. If you run over, you will blow the speakers. No it does not make them louder.
5. Slant has a tad less bass and spreads the sound a bit better.
6. correct.
7. If you do this you'll only be playing out 1 side of the cab. I KNOW tyhat you have more impedances than just 8 ohms, chances are you also have a 4 ohm tap. Set the cab to mono and plug into the 4 ohm thing from your 4 ohm output. DO NOT MISMATCH IMPEDANCES EVER
8. http://www.vadercabinets.com/. Look.
9. Avatar with celestion v30's and g12t-75's. Vader's are very dull sounding.
10. It was the heads. Banners wont do shit. They probably needed more mids.
Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
In the US "fanny" is a word used to describe the ass or butt. Here in the UK "fanny" is a lady garden (vagina)
I was very bemused as a youngster watching the Golden Girls when Blanche said she was going to "spank her fanny" I had visions of a geriatric vertical bacon sandwich red and bruised from being disciplined!!!

2009-01-25, 17:30
Supreme Metalhead
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 Good deal thanks man.
but i"m serious there is literally two ohm outputs on my head and they both say 8ohm. It's a solid state Ibanez.

2009-01-26, 06:17
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Toronto, Canada
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Originally Posted by Arsis
 Good deal thanks man.
but i"m serious there is literally two ohm outputs on my head and they both say 8ohm. It's a solid state Ibanez.
oh thats easy then. Set your cab to stereo and plug both 8 ohm outputs into both of the 8 ohm inputs. 
that is assuming it has a switch like most marshall cabs do.
what kind of cab is this?
Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
In the US "fanny" is a word used to describe the ass or butt. Here in the UK "fanny" is a lady garden (vagina)
I was very bemused as a youngster watching the Golden Girls when Blanche said she was going to "spank her fanny" I had visions of a geriatric vertical bacon sandwich red and bruised from being disciplined!!!

2009-01-26, 15:03
Master Killer
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9. Marshall 1960B or Mesa Boogie JB4.
If you like the old sound of Unearth on 'the strings of conscience', that and a powerball will suit your very nicely. I've seen them play on both Engl and Framus heads in those days but I heard they changed that later on. (got bored with them and didn't bother with most of the newer albums)
I've played a powerball with a 1960b for two years, sounded good compared to a lot of other cabs, even compared to a soldano and bogner cab loaded with v30's. The only cab that sounded better (more low end) was an old half-open back Mesa JB4 but those are pretty impossible to find.
1960's are a good buy, relatively cheap and good resale value. Plus they can take a hell of a beating. Mine looked like shit after a couple of years on the road but they still sounded great.
Played the 1960 with an Engl SE and Soldano SLO100 as well, fine combination. They're good cabs and they're not the 'standard' for nothing. Loads of clubs that have a backline use 1960's. Which saves you the effort of bringing your own cab if you want your own sound. Anyways, there are better cabs but they are far more expensive and imho not worth the price difference. The original Engl v30 cabs are heavy as fuck and sound less bright, used one for a while but wasn't really satisfied with the lead tones.

2009-01-26, 17:35
Supreme Metalhead
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Awesome, I'm Heavily wanting to get a powerball. Thinking about finding some Jason Becker fanboys and selling my carvin and getting a powerball head or doing some trade.

2009-05-11, 17:12
Supreme Metalhead
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Posts: 577
I have moar question!
Front loaded and rear loaded. I would love an explanation to what the difference is and what they affect.
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