ok, first of all: you don't need to post the same post 2 times
second: nice, for the first attempt. i especially like the beginning of the chorus, where i can already hear a melody for this in my head, just by reading it. especially the lines probably depend a lot on the rhythm you'll use for them.
the topic is a bit overstressed by now and you don't really put any new aspect to it. anyway, i've seen lot's of worse stuff, so it's really fine, especially since this are your first lyrics.
i don't like the ending. it's just some cheesy stuff to me, try to find something more intersting there instead, with which people weren't confronted a thousend times before.
as for the title, it can be a good idea to take the beginning or ending of the chorus, since people will most likely remember that line. depending on your melody one of this two lines you usually also stands out (for example cause it's sung slower, contains a huge interval, is seperated from the rest by a short break,...). if this applies to your song, you could use this line as title. in your case, this would most likely be "survive this" (you've to judge by yourself, wheter this fits the song).
hope i could help, keep writing stuff