2008-08-03, 21:58
New Blood
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: uk
Posts: 1
recording set up suggestions please?!
Hi all,
sorry if this is in the wrong place...
I have guitars, small practice amp, kind of crap mike, fostex analogue 4 track, cubase essential 4, line 6 guitarport/rifftracker some cables and jack adaptors and PC (vista). (also making do with 2x 8ohm phono speakers until I can get some decent monitor speakers)
How do I set this all up to record on cubase - will I need a sound card (this sort http://www.dv247.com/invt/34625/ ) or will the guitar port do?
Note - I havent set anything up at all yet, just been practicing with the line 6 (which wont save)
Note 2 - although Im a pretty good guitarist, Im not very clued up with techie computery stuff (until yesterday, I didnt know the internet was on computers )