hmm.. they do promote it very hornily, but they sayd the exact same things about my gt-6, the only things that seem different would be.. the usb port, an improved ez tone thingy (never used it much) and the positional graphic stuff.
They are right about one thing though..boss stuff IS built like a tank.
As far as gt preamps go.. they're acceptable, but not great. You'll not get pro sounds out of a gt unless you have a good (tube) poweramp or stack with it.
I can pretty much guarantee the guys in the film played with a tubestack.
If you want everything into one with a easier interface then most multi-fx stuff, it's good. The preamps are meh, but the other fx are good.
If you just want a preamp, buy something else or save up. Especialy high gain preamps on the gt are kinda sucky.
Annyhow, what do you want to do with the rig you're looking at?
Home use and recording?
Band practice and gigging?
If you just want something at home, download a pirated amps sim software, like Amplitube, Guitar Rig or Revalver. They're decent, free if you don't mind breaking the law a bit
, and sound decent enough on a stereo, in the loop of an amp, or with a poweramp.
Also, one thing.. if there's a rig you want, save up until you can afford it, don't just buy shitty stuff in the middle.