2007-10-10, 20:50
New Blood
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Norwood
Posts: 12
Band looking for a vocalist and 2nd guitarist. We play a mix of metal/metalcore/death metal. We live in glenolden/norwood, pennsylvania which is just south of philly...we go to interboro high school if that helps with location.
we are 16-18 years old but can amke exceptions if you are older/younger if you are good enough. We are intermediate with our skill...we can play TBDM, LoG, as i lay dying, JFAC, as blood runs black...all that kind of stuff skill wise.
You need your own transportation and gear. We are writing now and plan to play shows and record. Guitarist should be able to play stuff like the bands I listed and be able to write their own music. Vocalist should have good range(high screams to low growls, metalcore/death metal style, and owning your own PA system is a huge plus.
If you are a guitarist interested contact me at Pickslide316@aol.com or my myspace: www.myspace.com/matt_tompkins
If you are a vocalist you can contact me the same or the bands myspace(which is still under construction) at www.myspace.com/seraphim999