2002-11-02, 18:03
Master Killer
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands
Posts: 11,372
new tabs
hey, I'm just wondering, I've started tabbing some cool cd's, but most of them aren't on this site, so I wonder if I can submit them
(bands like unearth, caliban, fear my thoughts, backfire!, shockwave etc....) I don't know if people are interested in this stuff..
I've also got some hatebreed stuff tabbed, but it's pretty boring stuff to make tabs of. ehm *looks around in computer* still got some biohazard stuff from urban discipline, see some anthrax, some skinlab tabs and more stuff just hanging around.
for my music school I have to tab out heaps of stuff so I'm getting the hang of it.
I don't know but I can submit the tabs where the bands of are already on the website (biohazard, anthrax, skinlab are on the page) but the other tabs of underground bands I have are sought after, its impossible to find those tabs so I made them myself....