2007-05-28, 02:01
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 17
how to practise alternating kicks
im at the point where my left foot is as fast as my right foot, but im having trouble getting the alternating kicks properly done
i can sometimes alternate the kicks fine for 30-40 secs, but usually i cant hold the beat steady for more than 10-15 secs...and this is when i go fast...like rapture or lions den (morbid angel) fast, and faster
so i know the secret codeword here...PRACTISE!!!
but i was thinking, getting the alternating kicks down properly must be a muscle memory thing? so pratctising at slow speeds is better for that...but then again im using a different technique for going fast
my techniqe is sort of a twiching movement, but i dont twitch at slow speeds
sooooo...should i just pratctise at fast speeds and the alternating kicks will come by its self, or play slow and hope that this will improve the alternating kicks even for fast speeds????
and im just looking for other ppls experience on this...