2002-10-26, 23:15
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 168
Depths of Despair!!
Here is a song i wrote recently i think it turned out very well, and i would like it if i got some feedback this time even you think it is shit tell, cause i know most of you are to lazy to reply.
As i stand here in my darkened shirne, and face the deamons in my heart,
with the tears slowly rolling down my face.
I finally realize there's nothing left for me, in this fucking reality; of mine.
For everything that i once had, and held close to me,
and all those that i cared for, you have taken away.
With a blind rage you slaughtered the meak,
killed all those i loved just cause they were weak.
So now let me open the gates for you to the depths of despair,
where you shall feal my hatered and my burning rage.
For my vengance i shall bring upon you, make you suffer as have i,
and i will not stop until you have felt the pain of those you slayed.
Now no good is left in me, and hate and anger is all i feal.
Trapped in this world of anguish i was for so many years,
and seeing your every single tear as i paint you life pale and dark;
is all that will set me free.
For you are the symbol of all that is wretched, and you death sahll be bliss;
for those you made suffer.
Now open are the gates to the depths of despair,
where you shall feal my hatred and my burning rage.
For in the darkness of despair you shall stay,
forever trapped by the pain and anguis you brought to those befor you.
And now as i close these gates, my hatred becomes bliss;
for your wretched face i shal again never see.