2007-05-10, 11:54
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 128
I'm a newbie here, so I'd like to introduce myself; I'm Maurits, 16 years old, from the Netherlands, and play bass now for about a year. I do bass/vocals in the prog/groove/thrash (I don't even really know how to label our music, could you?) metal band Capricorn.
Also check out our MySpace with some songs of our demo "Obverse Reverse" we've just realeased.
And if you listen them, tell me what genre they are.
Originally Posted by drawn&quartered
thank god its fake. Its fake, right? right guys???
Originally Posted by Timedragon
Originally Posted by PST 88
Incidentally, one second after that pic loaded, a voice on my tv said "on the other side of that fence, is freedom." i found this little situation to be pretty damn funny.