2007-04-07, 15:10
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Sodomy Torture - Ecartelage (Demo)
Sodomy Torture - Ecartelage (Demo)
file under Death metal
Menno: Together with Cannibal Corpse, Mortician probably is one of the most respected and copied death metal bands around. Every now and then a band manages to release music with utterly low vocals and programmed drums. The French band Sodomy Torture thought they were original and did exactly the same.
You can't call their music uninspired for it's an exact clone of the king of horror Mortician. It seems that Sodomy Torture doesn't want to be original at all and all the songs (which are all alike, by the way) start with an intro from some terrible horror-flick. The band saves itself against plagiary by admitting they are copying Mortician and have even managed to be selected for the official Mortician-tribute CD. As long as they lack the capability of writing songs as 'Zombie Apocalypse' I'm not impressed. Oh and the entire demo is produced like shit as well.
Rating: 40/100 (details)