2007-04-07, 15:09
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Scent of Flesh - Deform in Torture
Scent of Flesh - Deform in Torture
Firebox Records
file under Death metal
Menno: Some research was needed for me to find out that Scent of Flesh isn't just another Swedish death metal band. This year, the band celebrates its seventh anniversary. In those seven years they put out no less than six releases (including three full-lengths). Deep down in our archives can be read how Lord Monique hails Scent of Flesh' debut Roaring Depths of Insanity but how she noticed a pitiful change of musical direction a year later with the release of their second album Valor In Hatred.
So now it's my job to figure out if their third full-length 'Deform in Torture' is a pleasant mix of both the previous albums. Let me start of by saying it's a shame the band changed their tough old-school logo with a somewhat square font. Would this be the first sign of a choice for the mainstream approach? Judging by the music it's most certainly not, especially compared to the older material this new death/thrash stuff sounds super tight. A definite change of course can't be heard on 'Deform in Torture', the music keeps raging, tearing, bashing and crushing. Especially the thick wall of guitars and the very tasty whammy action ring my bell. The final diagnosis is that the band has went to a natural phase of growth. Sure, some melodies occur here and there but they always fit into the grim atmosphere.
Long story short, Scent of Flesh won't lose any fans with 'Deform in Torture', I think it's gonna be quite the opposite actually. After the search for their definite sound and some changes in the line-up, Scent of Flesh proves to be a worthy Swedish death/thrash act.
Rating: 85/100 (details)