2007-04-07, 15:07
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Assorted Nails - Untrue Death Metal (Demo)
Assorted Nails - Untrue Death Metal (Demo)
file under Death metal
Menno: Honestly, I don't have the slightest idea what to think of the term 'Untrue Death Metal'. After reading the band name 'Assorted Nails', the slogan 'Hail the Nail!' and finding a two inch nail in the CD-box I'm starting to believe this is nothing more than a parody but I couldn't be more wrong.
This German five-piece takes itself very serious I'm afraid, something which makes me chuckle. The ridiculous band name and ridiculous logo are just pure lameness. After listening to this reasonably long demo (nine songs) it's safe to conclude that the band has this typical German form of mediocrity surrounding them. Their Untrue Death Metal is nothing more than melodic death/thrash without many surprises. There is no climax, the riffs tend to get boring, the vocals are too much of the same, the drums don't pound enough etcetera etcetera. Although I have to say I think the intro to 'False Gods' is pretty cool. This combined with the fact that they simply add a fucking nail to the CD makes sure they just pass the Lords of Metal-test.
Rating: 60/100 (details)