2007-04-05, 21:19
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: The West.
Posts: 4,433
as far as my suggestions go. i like jj's and tung sol's in general.
Originally Posted by damonta
You should get the same type of tubes that came with your amp. If you change brands you will have to get it re-biased. This controls how much voltage the tubes get. It has to be done by a qulified tech. It runs about $70. You don't have to replace the pre-amp tubes unless they are burnt. Go to gearheads.com. They are a nowlagable site and have lots of info. I like Groove Tubes and Mesa's. Sovtech are good to.
even if you buy the same brand tubes you may have to rebias. mesa tubes are all in the same range, and groove tubes has a rating system so you can order the same rating each time.
the cost of a rebias will vary depending on who does it and what their price is. i've never paid more than $40. it's a simple task for someone with the tools and knowhow.
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