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Old 2007-03-20, 03:15
New Blood
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 11
Vocal Nodes

Ok, here's the thing. Lots of people I know who use growling vocals can start from a whisper. then slowly and smoothly raise the volume in their growl; their voice breaks nicely. As for me, I cannot get that growl sound unless I am speaking at a rather loud volume [very loud talking voice] Which gives me my Dark Tranquillity style growls.

Here's the it normal that I cannot growl unless my voice is louder? Does everyone's voice break differently? Are they using a different technique? What I usually do is start off with a thrash voice and then break it into a growl. Whereas everyone else can start growling from almost a whisper. On top of that, my growls have been starting to break out I have vocal nodes? Or is this just because everyone's voice is different, and breaks/gurgles at different volumes?

Yeah, I know I'm a n00b to the forums, sorry for the new thread. =/ Just hoping I can get some advice out there.
Old 2007-03-28, 14:41
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3
i'm not sure.
i haven't been growling long, and i started out very quiet but suddenly i gained more volume - now i'm working on sustaining it. i'm female and a soprano with clean vocals but for some reason i find it easier to growl at a lower pitch. i think it's different for everyone. just try to gradually build volume, but not until you can sustain your current volume for at least 10 seconds on a note, if you get my drift.

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