2007-02-25, 14:53
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 7
Bying racks, is it worth it?
Hello. First post.
So, I'm just gonna ask quick and simple; is it worth bying racks? They're pretty exprencive (atleast where I live), and you still have to buy "half stands" to put on the rack before you can have your cymbals and toms and what ever on it. But on the other hand, once you have it, you have it, and you don't have to buy new stands (atleast not complete) for every new thing you buy to the set. I don't really need a rack right now. but, I might.
So, yes, or no?
The drums are the pulse, with out it, you die.
Antichristus Spiritualis.
Antichristur Spiritualis.

2007-02-25, 21:58
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2007-02-25, 23:00
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if you have the money I would. You could probably fit about 4 toms on there, and other shit. I would think that setting up for shows would be a little easier. I've accually never had a drum rack, but those are my thoughts...

2007-02-26, 05:47
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Probably better to grow them naturally.

2007-02-26, 13:11
Senior Metalhead
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I use a 3-sided Icon rack which is absolutely ace and never slips, and it's of course ace to have everything exactly where you had stuff last time etc etc.
The only niggle I've got with it is that it makes even more shite to carry around everywhere. Even if you go nuts and buy a nice bag for it or whatever, like your man there said, you still need the top half of each stand and that all adds a lot of weight and a lot of trips up and down stairs (for me, anyway). It grates with me to such an extent that I've recently stopped using it and gone back to stands and I'm much happier that way.
Rack are cool; there's no doubt about that. They look good, they keep everything nice and still and in one piece, they help you refine your setup by being able to make tiny adjustments and know it'll still be there tomorrow etc, and probably most useful of all is they take up a LOT less room on stage than having many stands. But if you have to move it around very often, the fannying around with it will quickly outweigh the advantages.
Almost all the drummers I know who've had them go back to stands, it's usually just the pros who don't have to lug them everywhere themselves who keep them forever.

2007-03-07, 01:19
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Originally Posted by problematic
Probably better to grow them naturally.

Originally Posted by Paddy

2007-04-27, 16:50
New Blood
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Posts: 32
keep your eyes peeled for a second hand one. i waited 2 years to get hold of mine but it was well worth the wait. having to set up 5 toms and 11 cymbals was a pain in the arse using stands, they weigh loads and take up more room than needed, i payed £60 for a 3 sided pearl rack, its not in brilliant condition, the mounts wobble quite a lot but i never tend to notice when playing. where i rehearse i can leave the rack with all the boom arms in it nicely folded, it takes me about 10 mins to set my drums up from there. i dont think i would go back to using stands unless i was to scale down my kit somewhat.
www.myspace.com/ignorantcunt electronic shit noise
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2007-05-06, 05:50
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 7
3 sided rack for £60? Where?
I only found one three sided here, and it costs around £400.
Anyway, I'll probably not move to racks right know. Think I'll just use tom stands or mount my toms to cymbal stands and so on.
The drums are the pulse, with out it, you die.
Antichristus Spiritualis.
Antichristur Spiritualis.

2007-05-11, 02:17
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what's bying?

2007-05-13, 01:45
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 125
Originally Posted by TrashWolf
3 sided rack for £60? Where?
I only found one three sided here, and it costs around 400.
They are around. I got a second hand 3-sided Icon with 10 clamps for £90. Keep your eye on eBay etc

2007-05-16, 20:54
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: england
Posts: 32
Originally Posted by TrashWolf
3 sided rack for £60? Where?
I only found one three sided here, and it costs around £400.
Anyway, I'll probably not move to racks right know. Think I'll just use tom stands or mount my toms to cymbal stands and so on.
ebay is the obvious answer really but keep your eyes peeled at drum shops. cheap things are often hidden in corners. mine just happened to be lying around when i went to get some sticks. one of my friends made a 5 sided rack for his immensly huge kit for about £200 he got all the clamps and then some scafolding for the tubes, looked ace and when people ask about it you can have the satisfaction of saying you built it yourself.
www.myspace.com/ignorantcunt electronic shit noise
www.myspace.com/revokation current band bad recordings and drum machines
www.myspace.com/thesufferingbru mosh mosh mosh old band
www.myspace.com/grilledpiss grill that fucking piss, nintendo grind with guitars and shouting.
and if you like stupid videos
too many myspaces there for ones liking but fuck it everyone else uses and i do need my cool points.

2007-11-08, 19:09
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 3
I used one, but quickly went back to stands. Racks are great if you never have to take them apart. It makes set-up quick and easy, but that assumes you have a vehicle you can haul them around in. If not it just adds to the set-up time. I also had trouble with live shows because a lot a clubs just don't have enough stage room to fit the rack.

2007-12-02, 22:40
Noob lud
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Racks are worth it if you are having a hard time getting regular stands to hold your toms and cymbals the way you want to play them. If you play 12 cymbals with 12 individual stands, get a rack. If you play a drum set with 4 toms up front and quite a few cymbals, get a rack. If you play standard drum set with 2 rack toms and 4-6 cymbals, stop being a bitch and realize that you have it easier than the rest of us.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2007-12-04, 10:07
Join Date: Dec 2004
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I'm usually opposed to such things but if you are building a large kit it makes sense.
if you think you can cut down your et-up, brake down time......go for it.
I fought for world titles in boxing, karate, I fought bar wars, street corners, most everything living and half the stuff dead,ain’t nobody bad, I know, I looked.......

2007-12-23, 08:01
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 47
Upgrading your drum kit into a rack, or adding up some rack on your drum kit is nice, basically you can practice a lot easier, like Mike Portnoy's kit, so hot ass kit.
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