2007-02-19, 11:36
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Exitium - Outsourcing Morality
Exitium - Outsourcing Morality
Deepsend Records
file under Death metal
Menno: 'Outsouricing Morality' is the title of the new Exitium record. This might breathe a little social atmosphere, and actually it does, for these American lads play in one of the only metal genres with something to say. Of course I'm talking about old school grindcore. Exitium can be compared to bands like Rotten Sound and our very own Suppossitory. Apparently Exitium thinks that grindcore is just like toast; it's all in the crust.
This record contains some pretty heavy stuff. And if you consider that there aren't many American bands that know how to keep up with the current European grind tornados, you'll have to conclude this is awesome. Exitium rages and smashes all in its way with constant blast-beats, a grinding guitar sound and heavy (real heavy) vocals. They even use two vocalists; a pure sick grunter and a pig's throat. Sadly enough, the squeals are mixed badly, which causes them to sound like a screaming girl in stead of a horny boar. There's not much to add to this review, it's close to impossible to say something negative. The band clearly chooses one genre and it's not their objective to be very original, something which they are though, simply because of the very nice bass solo in the song 'Only in Death'. Pure aggression!
Rating: 80/100 (details)