2007-02-19, 11:27
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Guttural Secrete - Reek of Pubescent Despoilment
Guttural Secrete - Reek of Pubescent Despoilment
Unmatched Brutality Records
file under Death metal
Menno: Holy mother of Jesus, that is some sick artwork! Guttural Secrete manages to score an A+ just by the looks of this beauty. A completely torn slut, dismembered limbs, a screwdriver in her ear, a little ball in her mouth, tangled in barbed wire and as always; drenched in blood while the vultures already circle above the lifeless stiff. Simply magnificent.
So what's to expect from this Nevade threesome? You know damn well what to expect; sick fucking death/grind! Indescribably vile and goddamn brutal seem appropriate terms for these smashers. Nothing new under the sun of course, but as long as there are bands performing this kind of music with this kind of perfection and dedication, who's complaining? The gnarly and fat production really completes the picture and makes this record Unmatched Brutality-worthy. Guttural Secrete thinks it's necessary to make clear that no vocal effect were used here, something I'm not doubting, we've heard bands sing like that before. Should I say more? No way, go get this piece of shit / cum / blood / gore / viscera!
Rating: 85/100 (details)