2007-01-13, 21:46
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: West Coast
Posts: 839
Multi Effects
So im looking to spend a good amount of money ($2000 tops) on a rackmount multi effects unit. I want to be able to cover everything from simple delays, reverbs, and various modulation effects all the way to soundscape-esque keyboard stuff. I was looking at TC Electronics, Lexicon PCM's, and various older Eventide processors. Any one else have any input?
"So often our hands get caught up in ruts of muscle memory. 'Muscle memory' is an accurate term. We get used to doing certain things, without even being aware of them. This ultimately not only shapes and therefore limits our technique, it also shapes what we compose, what we write. We end up thinking still unknowingly trapped in that box." -Adam Nitti
Originally Posted by the_bleeding
buy a stick of graphite (art stores) and rub it into your nut