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Old 2006-12-04, 04:47
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 30
help playing and singing

my band recently kicked out our singer and they know that i can sing just as good if not better than him and they want me to do it but they also dont want to sacrifice me on guitar (especially since i write pretty much everything) for vocals.. is there anyway i can kill 2 birds with one stone because i really want to do both any help would be great thanks
Old 2006-12-04, 05:15
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 60
why dont you just do both? as simple as that. theres alot of bands out there who play guitar and sing like trivium for example. or just find another good singer for whatever kind of music your into and get him to sing. i cant sing and play guitar. im not multitaskive ( i think thats a word ), i always either fuck up my playing or fuck up my singing. but if you want to be both then just be both.
Old 2006-12-04, 11:46
Pr0az's Avatar
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Takes practice man. Learn a song and while you're learning it learn the lyrics. Then as you slowly progress through the tab play a little bit of the tab and attempt to sing it. That was my friends approach to it.
“Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends.” ~Rusty Cooley
Old 2006-12-04, 21:03
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 60
Originally Posted by Pr0az
Takes practice man. Learn a song and while you're learning it learn the lyrics. Then as you slowly progress through the tab play a little bit of the tab and attempt to sing it. That was my friends approach to it.

cool ill try that
Old 2006-12-04, 23:59
the_bleeding's Avatar
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oh man... if you're a dude (person that has a pair of testicles attached to self), the multitasking bit is SOOOOO hard, but doable. If the necrophagist dude can do it (among many other dudes...), so can you.

i had to do it... you basically have to learn the vocal part and the guitar part inside out and put them together slowly... its a bitch... but still doable. WE BELIEVE IN YOU MAN!
Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
In the US "fanny" is a word used to describe the ass or butt. Here in the UK "fanny" is a lady garden (vagina)
I was very bemused as a youngster watching the Golden Girls when Blanche said she was going to "spank her fanny" I had visions of a geriatric vertical bacon sandwich red and bruised from being disciplined!!!
Old 2006-12-05, 04:53
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 60
Originally Posted by the_bleeding
oh man... if you're a dude (person that has a pair of testicles attached to self), the multitasking bit is SOOOOO hard, but doable. If the necrophagist dude can do it (among many other dudes...), so can you.

i had to do it... you basically have to learn the vocal part and the guitar part inside out and put them together slowly... its a bitch... but still doable. WE BELIEVE IN YOU MAN!

haha thx for the support man.
Old 2006-12-06, 02:51
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 30
thanks all of this feedback is going to help tremendously thanks to all
Old 2006-12-07, 10:19
Bones98's Avatar
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honestly my method of how I learned was by playing Death songs from the human album and singing along. If I fucked up I would start from the start to get shit done right.

But if you're doing ULTRA BROODAL DEVOURCIDE BUTTURAL death metal; then it gets really easy.
I suck at guitar.
Old 2006-12-07, 18:45
Unanything's Avatar
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When I sarted my band two years, before I could neither guitar nor do vocals, I took on such a role, and then when I got round to doing so it struck me. "Oh shit", I thought.

All you can do is practice. I would recommend trying to think of the beat of the song. And for good practice, I would try some of Death's Individual Thought Patterns. The Philosopher is good, because of the 9/8 in the first riff, as is Overactive Imagination. The odd timings should help you become more accustomed. My songs have many odd timings, especially my first one, Blades Of Contingency, which remains in 5/4 for the first minute and a half before there is a single bar of 6/4 then a brief return, and I have become fully accustomed.

And for some reason I always forget to breathe. I don't know if this afflicts anyone else, but watch out for it. Breathing on the beat works too.

Originally Posted by fatdanny
Also, check out Autopsy, the vocalist sounds like hes about to eat your grandmother while fucking you in the eye. Brutal.

Originally Posted by floridadude
I coated the end of a toothpick with Satan's blood and simply wiped it across the top of an omelet. PERFECT!
Old 2006-12-08, 19:40
Soeru's Avatar
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I am still trying to learn this myself man, it's very hard at first. Been going at it for a few months on and off.

I can sing most of the parts in Motörhead's "Iron Fist", catchy and simple but kind of too uptempo for me but I'm still trying to get it down completely right. I either mumble the lyrics loudly or mess up the playing, usually it's the latter so I don't get thrown off too much anymore. I gotta keep trying to improve, whenever I have a band I would prefer to have a vocalist that can do both or I would be doing myself, don't like having a seperate vox less he's extremely good, which is really hard to find nowadays.

Try something easy you already know like the palm of your hand and that you've jammed many many times to, that oughta help.

Try starting like some basic mid-paced punk or thrash(ie: Sepultura), or some Motörhead, easy powerchordish shit so you don't have to worry about screwing up playing fast technical parts.

I need to concentrate a lot on my singing to not sound like a faggot, so I think I should be spending more time singing/growling out loud so I don't have to force it/think so hard when I do it.
Bones what's the easiest death song for you to sing? Got any vids of you jamming and singing?

I wanna learn to play and sing Terrorizer songs so bad!
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane

(Did you know In Flames had a 2005 album called "Come Clarity"? How prophetic. I think they're trying to tell us all their sperm are dead.)

Last edited by Soeru : 2006-12-08 at 19:49.

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