2006-11-01, 16:29
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 1
Floyde rose parts
hey guys a have an old kramer f-1000, with a floyde rose, no one at the guitar shop locally seems to want to help me, i need new machine screws for the string lock at the head stock, and i dont know what size they are, are they metric or not? i cant even get a straight answer from floyde rose!!!
anyway im a kramer lover, mines set up with a duncan JB and it roars, guys at the guitar shop all knock me for my 80's screamer, i dont give a shit i still think mine sounds as good as there $3500 les pauls, that shit shouldnt matter, wasnt it bo diddley who played a piece of 2X10 with a neck???
anyways can anyone help me out withe floyd