2002-09-21, 21:02
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for the black metallers...
does anyone else find Mayhem and Burzum to be really weak? I don't want to sound like a dick, maybe it was the terrible recording, but everything I have by both bands just has hi, whiney, indistinguishable guitar and then drums where the double bassing sounds like a stick hitting a rag. Same goes for Stormblast (minus the guitars) by Dimmu Borgir. Maybe it's just cuz I like my shit pretty extreme usually, it just seems that I may be the only person with this opinion (which is fine). Anyway, just wondering if anyone else out there was more for supporting Emperor, mid-late Dimmu Borgir, and Anaal Nathrakh over the old classics.
x  x
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2002-09-21, 21:17
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you have discovered and admitted what every fucked up black metal worshipping faggot won't do. they will cry and moan and bitch after reading this, but worry not because its in their nature to whine about someone exposing the truth of their precious pseudo-metal.
now, keep yourself black metal free and you should be ok.

2002-09-21, 22:01
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you're just nit-picking

2002-09-21, 23:05
Re: for the black metallers...
Originally posted by xDarkestHourx
does anyone else find Mayhem and Burzum to be really weak?
Yes they suck!

2002-09-21, 23:06
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thats the sound quality  even old napalm death, carcass and slayer stuff sounds weak
thats just the quality, listen to "new" cd's and you'll see (hear?)
black metal rules
BTW slayme, shut up, that would be a good idea
i wont loose time with you anymore
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2002-09-22, 00:56
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i dont know if you just hate those bands, but you should not dis like a band becuase its poor sound quality, i mean if its really powerfull, then sound quality dosent matter, its not there fault they cant produce a better sound from there recorder. Just saying, not accusing.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2002-09-22, 01:07
i find for some reason, ALOT of the mp3's online (like over p2p sharing thingys) of those bands are of quite shit quality and thought the same thing as you. but i managed to get a few decent ones and now i dont mind Burzum  although, still not all that keen on Mayhem.

2002-09-22, 06:49
Forum Daemon
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You wont "loose" time with slayme eh? Try to calm down, everyone's got the right to say what they want to, not just the people who like what you like, and if you know he's gonna say something that you dont like, why read it? WHY? Do you just REALLY like reading stuff you wouldnt agree with? I mean, he doesnt like black metal, you think he's going out of his way to listen to it? Hell no. You got the choice, dont read the thread. Anyway, he's not insulting you, just your idols.
Burzum sucks. Mayhem sucks aside from Hellhammer. No, wait, it just sucks too. I mean, Grand Declaration of War? What the fuck? And what about those other cds they did that suck? Y'know, all of em?
It's true that if music's powerful, recording dont matter as much, but what good is powerful music you cant pick up? Plus, the guy's obviously tried to understand what y'all see in these bands, and therefore probably given them more than a cursory listen, and if the music was really that moving and powerful, he woulda noticed. So, what can we take from this? Shitty music+shitty production=SHIT.

2002-09-22, 06:57
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i could really care less whether one of you doesn't like what i have to say, i enjoy how easily black metal fans are angered by someone attacking their favorite shitty bands. its called insecurity.
black metal seems to be the fuckin hip thing in the metal world now, but wait till it blows over. you'll be latchin onto the next metal trend.
here's an auto-response to whatever else you might have to say to me:
black metal is still for mindless idiots. i hate you, go fuck yourself.

2002-09-22, 08:27
so slayme, seriously, wat is it exactly that you don't like about black metal? is it just the atmospheric and keyboard induced black metal like cradle of filth and dimmu borgir and musical class like borknagar? or does it even include the full ones like zyklon, behemoth, dissection and astriaal?
i respect that you don't like black metal, but isn't good music good music when it comes down to it? just because its black metal, doesn't matter about the musicial complexity and genious gone into it, you not gonna like it? also do you really think its your position to say wats hot and wats not? i'm not throwing mud at you or anything, i'm just curious, dont get me wrong. i like everything from coercion to destroyer 666 to morbid angel to cradle of filth to opeth, just so you know that, and you wont attempt to hurt my feelings for questioning you.

2002-09-22, 10:57
Symbiotic In Theory
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Originally posted by CradleOfFilth
slayer sound weak
black metal rules
dude...slayer rule, and black metal sucks mouldy dick, except for dimmu..

'' I'll Smother You With A Fucking Pillow!! ''
Originally Posted by metal=life
Hey don't talk back buddy. Give your dick size or don't post.

2002-09-22, 14:31
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the only black metal album i own is dimmu's Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia. its pretty good, but i like more gothic stuff like Type O and Theatre of Tragedy
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
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2002-09-22, 16:13
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I didn't mean to start a war or nothing, but that old shit isn't even powerful. It's not fast, not heavy, and the vocals/guitar/drums allll suck. And recording quality doesn't matter to me that much if it's half-way intelligible. I love that crusty ass dirty grindcore sound but to me playing sloppy and recording it like crap doesn't make you necro, it makes you suck. Take a few tips from Anaal Nathrakh and keep the good black metal fuckin brutal.
"As Horrifying as Being Raped by a Grizzly Bear in Front of a Full Body Mirror" one of my many song titles

2002-09-22, 17:32
Forum Daemon
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Dont worry dude, you didnt start it, just gave it a place to hang out.
By the way, much as I like to participate in and see the argument that comes here, I'll still have to close it down if the bitching gets out of hand. Even if it's my own bitching. It hasnt yet, so this's just an unecessary warning.

2002-09-22, 17:37
Originally posted by slayme_returns
black metal is still for mindless idiots.
just because you dont like it dont make us mindless idiots.
what .. do he have to like what you like to be cool and not idiots?
If you dont like Black Metal I dont care ... but please stop insulting our taste in music
nobody is saying anything to you for what you listen to.

2002-09-22, 17:58
Master Killer
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come on, show some respect dammit.
everybody has a right to have his own opinion but you don't have to push your opinion into other people, it just sucks!
who the fucks care what you think about black metal, if you don't like it, you don't so don't post here it's about black metal!
if you want to post here then just don't be a bitch and whine about how stupid black metal is.
personally, I'm not into black metal but I can understand that people like it, I don't think it's bad but it's just not really my thing...
ah f*ck I need a beer$!£%!£"!

2002-09-22, 18:15
Drunken Yeti God
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Originally posted by slayme_returns
here's an auto-response to whatever else you might have to say to me:
black metal is still for mindless idiots. i hate you, go fuck yourself.
Haha, it's shit like that that makes me glad I talk to some of you guys!
Someone above asked why whoever didn't like black metal, it wasn't directed at me, but I'll answer anyway, for myself. Poor sound quality and stuff like that bothers me with most things, so that affects it, but for the most part, I hate the fucking vocals. I'd listen to Cradle of Filth all the time if they were an instrumental band, cuz I fuckign hate Dani. I don't liek the guy from Burzum either. Those two bands and Dimmu Borgir are the only three black metal bands that I've tried listening to, and Dimmu is the only one I like, hence my sig.
I figured I'd let y'all know that so you don't think I'm just saying I hate black metal to be a dick, because I have loads of other ways to do that 
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2002-09-22, 18:46
The Devil
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Originally posted by Lord Malphas
If you dont like Black Metal I dont care ... but please stop insulting our taste in music
nobody is saying anything to you for what you listen to.
Yes, somebody is. CradeofFilth is insulting every Slayer fan that's ever existed calling us stupid fucks. We're just making fun of the genre of music (blakc metal), not personally attacking any of you.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-09-22, 19:59
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Originally posted by Lord Malphas
just because you dont like it dont make us mindless idiots.
what .. do he have to like what you like to be cool and not idiots?
If you dont like Black Metal I dont care ... but please stop insulting our taste in music
nobody is saying anything to you for what you listen to.
I completely agree dude.
You say yuo want openminded ness, but if you hate a fucking genre of music doesnlt mean the fans are cunts, go fuck yourself you closed minded faggot (aimed at anyon

2002-09-22, 20:00
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you dont understood me memmoch, i hate people who only listen to slayer, not all slayers fans (i liked slayer too)but i dont care if you dont like BM

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2002-09-22, 20:08
The Devil
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Originally posted by CtHuLhU DaWn
I completely agree dude.
You say yuo want openminded ness, but if you hate a fucking genre of music doesnlt mean the fans are cunts, go fuck yourself you closed minded faggot (aimed at anyon
You're worse than Wannabe and OpethRules.
They called us closed minded cause we "supposedly" (according to them) didn't listen to anything but metal.
But YOU are calling us close minded because we don't listen to Black Metal?? Idiot.
This whole idea of "close mindedness" is getting out of hand.....you kids don't even know what those 2 fucking words mean, yet you dish it out like there's nothing to it.
Fuck Black Metal. And fuck you too.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-09-22, 20:19
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god damn you black metal fans are touchy. this is a big game, a big clusterfuck of different ideas, opinions and whatnot. whether you like slayer or not is really not my problem, but this board has been in the black metal majority for a long time now and i'm just fed up with it. it was inevitable that the few persons on this board that just plain can't stand the music spoke up and put it on the table. they say strength is in numbers, and just going off that the black metal horde on this forum will win every so called "argument". the fact remains that if i like it i'll praise it, if i don't it's up to me whether i stay quiet about it or wave a flag of disgust for a genre that shouldn't have the term "metal" anywhere near it.
deal with it.

2002-09-22, 20:42
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clusterfuck, hehehe
that reminds me of the clint eastwood
movie, heartbreak ridge...
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2002-09-22, 23:27
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Originally posted by memnoch
You're worse than Wannabe and OpethRules.
whatever happened to OpethRules??? he used to start flame wars in record numbers with amazing speed........
also, to you cant say black metal is for idiots and that slayer isnt....think about it....
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
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2002-09-22, 23:31
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Originally posted by slayme_returns
the fact remains that if i like it i'll praise it, if i don't it's up to me whether i stay quiet about it or wave a flag of disgust for a genre that shouldn't have the term "metal" anywhere near it.
how come it shouldnt be called metal? it has heavy distortion guitars, and double bass drums. that sounds like quite a few metal symptoms to me.... hell, i still consider anathema to be metal (VERY progressive metal).
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2002-09-22, 23:33
Forum Daemon
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Alright, sorry guys, but you're really gonna have to bitch elsewhere. You dont have to quit bitching, just have to quit it here.
And OpethRules left cause us philistines were giving him trouble. Anyone else who feels that way can leave as well.
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