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Old 2006-09-18, 18:56
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Eustis, Florida
Posts: 1
Question How to add rasp to clean vocals?

Alright. I don't need help with screaming/growling whatever, I have that down.

It's just clean vocals. I want to know how to add a bit of rasp to it. Like Jari Maenpaa of Ensiferum and Wintersun.

I would also like to know how to use my different vocal chords, like tenor or falsetto and stuff. I don't know how all that works, and I would like someone to explain.


Old 2006-09-18, 19:18
SolothurN's Avatar
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Location: Poland
Posts: 174
I don't know how these bands sound, but it will be hard with yo' anyway.

1st thing - which voice are you? Are you a bass or a tenor? I'm not so sure what you meant by 'different vocal chords, like tenor' 'cause if I'm not wrong, it's like you are tenor or bass, and you can't change vocal chords from bass to tenor and opposite, you can only sing higher but still on your chords ;P You can sing higher by using your diaphgram. It's like - you take the air to diaphgram (your stomach), and tense it like someone is going to punch you in it. There was a thread somewhere here 'bout singing theory.

About the falsetto, it's like using your high voice but not on your proper voice. You know how the girls always squeal if they're afraid of mices and they see one right now? Try to squeal like that. When you'll hit it, just try to make it lower so it won't sound like you just lost your balls, but still in that way of squealing. You'll know what I mean when you will try.

Umm if it comes to rasp, I'm kinda unuseful. Try to experiment, like making your voice louder and changing the sound. I don't know how to explain that ;P

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