2006-07-23, 20:47
New Blood
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 1
Sometimes good, sometimes bad...
I have a question for all you lovely people... I am a young soprano, still in my teens. Sometimes I really love the way my voice sounds, as its completely natural and not pushed, to operatic or dark. But other days it seems to me, that it sounds very different. And it seems like I can't get it to sound good!
Here are two of the things that ocassionally happen...
1. My voice feels like it is stuck inside of my head. Somehow I just can’t bring the sound forward, or just send it out of me. The notes sound a bit dull, and it sounds to operatic and dark. I try to lighten it, but for some reason it doesn’t work.
2. My voice feels really harsh. Everything I sing feels and sounds very harsh and hard. I don’t think it’s a very pleasant sound.
Can anyone help me with suggestions? I would appreciate it!